Chapter six-Kiersten, meet Paul

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I knocked on the door and heard Danny's voice from inside, "I'm coming" he shouted. The door opened and I saw Danny in batman pyjama pants with a black nirvana tee-shirt, he smiled "hey Kiersten" "hi" I said, Danny smiled and stepped to the side, "come in", "thanks" I said as I walked in his house, he closed the door and walked to his living room, "damn, that's a big tv" I said as I walked to his couch and sat down. "yeah" he said and sat down beside me. His house is honesty really well organized from what I can see, "Paul's in the basement, he'll be up soon" Danny told me. I nodded. "Hungry?" Danny said gesturing towards the table that was in front of the couch, witch was covered in bowls filled with snacks, chips, chocolates, gummies, pretzels, skittles, sour kids, marshmallows, goldfish and cookies, "um, wow that's a lot but I'm good right now thanks" I told him. "Danny when is she getting here?" A voice spoke. "That's Paul" Danny quickly told me then spoke up "she's already here!" He said to Paul. I heard Paul mumble "oh shit" then I herd a bang, I quickly turned around to see what happened, then Danny spoke, "it's fine he's just nervous" "nervous? What is he nervous for?" I asked Danny, he giggled and said "to meet you" since when is anyone nervous to meet me, I mean look at me. Danny stood up, "I'm gonna go see what's taking him so long, I'll be back" he said walking to his basement stairs. I made myself comfortable while I waited for them, I pulled out my phone and saw I hade a text from my mom, 'honey call me if you need anything, anything at all! Love you.' I smiled and texted her back, 'mom. I'll be fine Danny's a good guy. love you too ttyl' she texted me back instantly, 'ok I'm just making sure' I shook my head, mothers. I turned off my phone and filled with my fingers, then I heard Danny's voice "okay I'm back and I got Paul" I turned my head and saw Paul, he's so... wow. Danny nudged Paul and said "dude, say somethingggggg" Paul looked at me, yeah um he does look really nervous, then finally he spoke "hi" he said and smiled to me, Danny walked back to the couch and sat down. I replied Paul "hi" I smiled. Oh my god he's so, so, ugh I can't find the word. But what is it with these boys, when I met Danny I felt like he was my best friend, and that I could tell him anything, and know I'm here meeting Paul and I don't know what it is but, I have butterflies and I'm nervous. Paul and I continued to just look at each other until Danny spoke "guys..." Then Paul quickly turned his and I went back to fiddling with my fingers, honestly this is really weird. Paul made his way over the couch and sat on the other side of me. Danny picked up the tv remote and Paul grabbed a hand full of skittles. Danny turned on Netflix, "hey Danny, where are your parents by the way?" I asked, I've been wanting to ask that since I sat down. Danny continued to search through Netflix "they took a little vacation so I get the hole house to myself, well me and Paul cause he's gonna stay with me the hole time, it would be awesome if you could too" he told me. Spending time alone with these guys.... that would be....kind of.....awesome! Wow I sound crazy, but I trust them, a lot, and my mom could probably use some time to her self, plus I honestly don't wanna be alone. I smiled and answered Danny "I would love too! But I just have to make sure it's okay with my mom" Danny and Paul both spoke in sync "yes!" I laughed and then they laughed too. I pulled out my phone and dialled my moms number, Danny got up and went, well I don't actually know where he went but he left. Paul continued to sit next to me eating when my mom finally picked up her phone, "hey sweetie, need me to pick you up?" "No mom I'm fine geez calm down" "well your my daughter I need to worry about your safety" "I have a question.." "Yeah.." "I was wondering if I could stay here a few days" "with who" "Danny and Paul" "any adults" "no....." "how long?" "a few days, not exactly sure how long" "hmm" "mom did I ever tell you how much I love you!" "Fine" "yes!! I love you!!" "But" "oh no" "no sex" "wow mom okay I was not planning on that" "well it's never planned sweetie" "ok ew" "and if you drink stay in the house" "won't be doing that either mom" "I love you honey" "love you to bye" I said quickly and hung up the phone, I looked at Paul and smiled "I can stay!!" He smiled back at me, stood up and started doing some silly dance I stared to laugh then Paul fell to the ground, I immediately stopped and asked him "oh my god are you okay?" He started to laugh and said "yeah I'm good" I continued to laugh and then I heard Danny shout "what are you two doing in there?!" I carried on laughing and Paul answered Danny "being normal" he shouted and continued to laugh. I was laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt, then Danny came back from wherever he went and sat back down on the couch just staring at me and Paul laughing uncontrollably on the floor. Soon Paul and I started to calm down, Paul got up from the ground, grabbed my hand and lifted me off the ground. "geez your strong" I said, he looked at me for a second and said "no, your really light" I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch beside Danny, Paul went to the kitchen. Danny reached over to the table and grabbed the bowl of chips, "want some?" He asked me, "no I'm okay thanks." I replied. He nodded and started to eat the chips. Okay I need a minute, "hey where's the bathroom?" I asked, "right there on the left" Danny said while pointing down the hall. I got up and went to the bathroom, when I got in I closed the door and locked it shut. I looked at myself in the mirror and mumbled to myself "disgusting" I put the toilet lid down and sat on it, "okay Kiersten get it together c'mon now, at least try to act normal, for once, be normal, for once Kiersten" I told myself, I stood up and took a deep breath while I unlocked the bathroom door, I opened the door and I slowly walked out, once I got back to the living room the couch and the coffee table were both pushed to the side of the room, and Danny and Paul were both nowhere to be seen, "um, guys where are you? Danny? Paul? Hello?" I called out but there was no answer, I started to get just a bit scared, what's going on? Why is the couch and table pushed to the side of the room? Where's Danny? Where's Paul?

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