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After i stayed backed in school, i walked home and was surprised by Sky as he touched my shoulder from behind.  

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. " waiting for you to go home together of course". He said "but dont dont wanna go home yet " i told him while holding his hand to the playground near my house.  

We talked and had fun. But he always hide from me when i was not looking and i have to find him. But still his immature while i'm childish. Well they are the same.  

We talk almost everyday but I'm very jealous when her is with Sophie because Sophie always chase him around and that made nee always wanted to cry. I couldn't tell him how i was feeling all i wanted was him to smile. 

There's a night where he texted me saying dont tell anyone about our relationship. I was so sad then i started to cry because it was like he was very embarrassed to be seen with me. And i lie on my bed crying for an hour and woke up with two swollen eyes the next day for school and i tell you its not comfortable at all.  

Its like a week of our relationship, we stayed backed in school for the exams with our science teacher next to us talking with other students while we sat in front of each other.

He was doing his work while i was playing my phone. His classmate also was with him. He was playing with his phone. 

Suddenly, he showed me Sky's conversation with my friend i known from Pre school.

The conversation is about him asking her to be his girlfriend. I was stoned and heartbroken when i saw it. I thought he was being a two timer.

I break down and cried for five minutes then he ask me if I'm ok. I ignored him and cried then opposite way so I dont have to face him. He got up from his seat and say infront of me and asked again "are you ok? "

I stop crying for a second and asked "what's her reply". "the conversation was five months ago" he said " i dont care i just want to see her reply" i said trying to stop my tears from rolling down my face. 

He said ok and brought me to a place behind the school where there is no one around. And we sat on the flight of stairs. 

He then showed me his phone. 

The conversation was really 5 months ago. " Are you jealous?" he asked me with a smirk on his face . "of course i was jealous how else would i cry because I was afraid to lose you" i said while preventing my tears from coming out of my eyes. 

"stop being so sentitive" he said like he and a little angry and hate it when i get so attached look. 

But of course he dont care. He leaned on my shoulder to play his games on his phone.

He wanted to be more comfortable so he put his head on my lap while i played with his hair.

We when back to the cateen where our science teacher and friends were and Mr science teacher said " need so serious anot?" and i kept laughing all the way but did not remain eye contact as the girls from the table was looking at me.

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