awkward for her

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So Alvaro told me if I could Accompany him go out with him because his ex girlfriend ask him out and he thinks it will be awkward so I agreed.

And his ex girlfriend ask me to meet with her so we can meet together with Alvaro and we were late coz we dont know where we are we late for a few minutes but Alvaro turned up 30 minutes earlier.

So in the end the one being awkward is the ex girlfriend and she said she want to go home and just leave me but she did not.

Well both of them have not ate so we ate at Macdonalds and I we ordered something and the way he ate very funny so I took a few pictures and showed him and he said "seriously?".

Then we went to popular because he wanted to buy a colouring book for his cousin so we coulldnt find it and my leg was painful because when I was going to meet the ex girlfriend and fell down 3 steps of the staircase and sprained my leg and come to think of it, it was pretty funny.

And we sat down and talked for a few minutes. Then after I rest finish, he started holding both my shoulders and started shaking me tofind the colouring book I told him to ask the salesperson but he does not want to so we gave up and wanted for the ex girlfriend to buy her things.

Well she likes to go shopping but I dont and neither does he.

So ya he has to go home early so me and her went back together home.

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