Jealousy Does Not End Here

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            A few days ago, I told Esther that I was jealous because of Sophie and Esther suggested that we break up as its not use being unhappy with him.

            But i dont feel unhappy with him but its because of Sophie. When i heard that Esther said that we break up, i froze and i'm on the verge of crying while my new best friends were gone.

If my new best friends were here, Esther would not say to break up.

            I knew that if we broke up, i would have to overcome the most painful thing of my life and cry my heart out like the sentence he said that made me cry for an hour and it will be my first heartbreak.

            I read 9gag and there a post about keeping yout boyfriend and all that and i saw one which was to make him jealous like how i felt but i couldn't do that as he said he would not get jealous and the other one was to make him anxious but you.I gave it some thought and decided to use that.

            But the problem was that i could not ignore him as i couldn't stop looking at his face cause i really loved him and i dont know how he feels (well i dont know what he is thinking). I know i had no choice but to do this.

          About 3 days of the scouts incident, Sophie went up the staircase where there is my boyfriend and about 9 more guys there when they are there i would not dare to go up as i'm afraid about the molest incident and it has been bugging me for a long time and i cry more when i think about it with being jealous.

          So Sophie went up the stairs. There was also another girl called Alex she took one of the guy's phone as they were close so i took his phone from her as she handed it to me. I spam his phone with his camera and started taking more than 30 photos of himself. I know him as we were in Chinese Orchestra.

           I took him in order for him to get his phone back, his must answer the following questions:

  1) where is Sophie?

  2) what is my boyfriend doing?

       " she is sitting in a corner, while your boyfriend is sitting beside her." he said with a smile. I felt a sour feeling inside of me and thinking to myself ' is she more important than me?" I became very emo as Sky did not dare to sit beside me with alot of people around.

         I feel like slapping Sophie. There was once where i told Kelly that she was a bitch and wanting to steal Sky away from me i told Kelly to tell Sophie to fuck off but Kelly dont dare as she think Sophie and Sky were just friends and told me not to be so sensitive.

         I feel like a failure as i could not even take care of my own boyfriend. 

        But now i ignore it as to the plan and he did not talk to me like he use to. After i ignored him i just could not concentrate in class and kept thinking about it when people talk something funny i just smiled and turn back and do my own thinking.

       My new best friend say she likes me because i will be happy no matter what but i just faking that i am happy so people would not ask me what happen and cause me to cry.

      Sky knew my Maths was weak annd accompany me to the maths class after school he kept saying that maths is fun and very easy and i think its easy too as in class i sit in front ,further away from the board and just next to the door.

       People around me just treated me as i am invisible and my new best friends were siting very far away from me. zi had nothing to do so i pay attention to class and think that Maths is not that bad.

         well in the maths class, he would sit far away from me. i never  paid attention to the class as i was thinking and just too sad to learn i just want to listen to my music and go to my own world where there are no sadness, no heartbreaks but happiness all around.

        there were two classes for maths after the first class was over i decided to stay a little bit longer but Sky went up to me with his bag and said" still dont want to go home?" "no" i sad sadly. And he went off. I bet he wouldn't even wait for me i thought to myself.

       i stayed for 15 min and went home. I knew that he would not wait for me but when i was al lmost home, i would always check the places that he would wait for me with high expectations and with a smile. But always end up very disappointed.

      My mother wanted to take my 5 year old brother to the park and i ride my bicycle and listen to our song and rode the bicycle very fast that the chain almost stop. i went home at 1900 hr and ate at 2000hr and he texted me asking whether i have eaten. After all the text we had sent almost all the conversation was started by me.

Author's note: 

                         Sad to say but the next one may come  late.   Sorry bye bye now

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