Tired Of Waiting

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Well Today i rejected him when he asked me to play badminton with him. Well i feel bad because his my boyfriend and idk do girlfriends reject their boy friend when they ask them out?

I didnt have the energy to play and i'm still sleeping when he asked me.

I always thought that i want an ideal boyfriend like him but i did not expect to be jealous. Others girls say they broke up with their boyfriends Because first some of them will kept following them like a stalker or get jealous. i think that is good as it shows that they love them right?

Second is the girls get jealous and told the boys and the boys say that theyare too sensitive well that is because they dont want to lose them as they mean the world to them.

Third is they are playboys or two-timers. I hate these kind of guys.

But hey there are different types of girls like  playgirls, girls that are very irritating and annoy or keep hitting boys. I know that kind of person. People say these kind of girls are a flirt. oh my god why do i know this kind of girl.

In my class, nobody likes her except for a playboy in my class that ONCE like her and tried to ask her out. Wow that guy in my class had more that 10 girlfriends.

And there are the popular girls. They are always in the centre of attention of the boys and whatever happen they would always talk to them or throw things at them.

People say other are a bitch which i think is maen as they did nothing wrong why are they discriminating them when they are no good themselves?

Well why am i talking about this?  I must be crazy in the head.

Well I rejected him first i didnt want to see sophie to be there too. He once said that if i did not go, it would be cancelled and if Sophie did not go and i am going, it would also be cancelled. Well i guess Sophie is Important as  me eh?

Sigh....... so In the afternoon, i woke up at noon ate lunch and after 30 minutes and waited for him to text me so he could talk to me and lie on my bed and waited.

And waited....

And waited....

And  I fell asleep....

 And woke up 3 hours later.

I check my phone for his message. But nothing no message nothing.

In the evening, a message came by and  i was so happy and hope that i would be his message. But no it was not his message it was my friend's message on what to wear for cca tomorrow.

Another message came by but it was not his message. It wasmy junior's message to eat lunch to gether tomorrow.

Well i guess he wont be talking to me for a while is he?

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