Movie Date ( part 1)

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Well on a Sunday night, at about 1 am he texted me whether I am free on the afternoon so I ask why and he said he want to watch a movie with me so I said I cannot because I was sick so I said maybe on thursday and he said ok.

I was so happy and was looking forward for thursday for finally seeing him in a month or a month and a half.

Then wednesday night came I dont know why but I just could not fall asleep for some reason and sleptat about 4 in the morning. I woke up on time reach the place on time.then my elder sister wanted me to help her buy lip balm so I ask whether I could go buy it since he did not reach yet.

(I ask him whether he reached but he say he will reach in 7 minutes so I went to buy it) So I Walk into Watsons To find what my sis wanted .

But I couldn't find it so I Went into the body shop to look for it and nothing . But there is a shop that I couldn't find but my sis was sure so I look back and he was behind me all along . I was like oh my gosh . I Was shock thinking did he follow me all the way here ?

So I asked him and he say he was following me all the way When I alighted from the bus.

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