Part 3

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Kaden heard running foot steps just outside the room. Running away. Kaden stood up, holding the OmniWrench in his hand. Clank looked up at Kaden.

"I'm sorry, Kaden." Clank said standing up and jumped off the bed. Kaden was upset. There was no doubt about that. It was when he heard Flora scream, he threw open the door and ran out the room. Flora was sitting up on the floor crying.

"What's going on Kaden?" She sobbed. Kaden didn't answer. All he said was that he'll tell her later. Kaden outside and saw Azimuth starting up his ship. It was only now he realised that Clank was by his side because of the thudding on the ground.

"Azimuth!" Kaden shouted throwing the OmniWrench like a boomerang at the ship. It hit one of the engines on the ship and bounced back towards him. The ship then took lift off and disappeared into the sky. Kaden stopped running and fell to his knees.

Clank stood next to him and stared into the sky. He watched as the smoke from the ship disappeared into the air. He looked down at Kaden. There was no doubt that he was upset. Kaden stood up and turned to Clank.

"Is there anyway?" Kaden asked.

Clank knew what he was talking about. "No."

"Can't we use the Great Clock?" Kaden asked.

"No." Clank said simply.

"Azimuth used it to bring me, Flora and the rest of the Lombax's back, why can't we used it to bring back Ratchet?"

"That was a one time only thing. I knew that I couldn't stop Azimuth from bringing you back. Your son and my best friend died trying to do the right thing!!" Clank shouted storming off towards the garage. Clank stormed straight passed Flora, went to Ratchets old room and slummed the door shut. Flora turned to face Kaden.

"Kaden what's going on? Who was that robot?" Flora asked.

Kaden still kept facing the ground. "That robot was Ratchet's mate." Kaden said, not answering Flora's first question.

"Was? Are they not friends?" Flora asked turning to face the room Clank was in.

"They are. But I'm not going to tell you what happened?" Kaden said.

Flora rapidly turned and stormed to Kaden. "You tell me right now what is going on!"

"Ratchet's dead! Azimuth killed him in cold blood because he was trying to stop him from tearing the universe apart!" Kaden shouted, pushing pass Flora and falling on the couch in the corner.

"Is there a way to -"

"I already asked about the Great Clock, Flora. Clank said no." Kaden interrupted. Flora went and sat down next to Kaden. Kaden saw a tear fall down Flora's face as he pulled her closer.

Clank sat on Ratchets old bed. His head rested on the bed head and he stared at the one of the star constellation posters that was directly in front of him. Clank studied it and worked out that that was the same area as the Great Clock. Clank quickly turned around to face the window. Clank wanted to use the Clock to bring Ratchet back. But he knew that if Orvus was here, he would say no. Before he knew it, Clank fell asleep.

In the dream, Clank sat on the edge of the Great Clock. The same edge Ratchet fell off. Clank stared into the blackness of space. He could see a really small moon of one of the other planets below the Clock. Zoni flew around the Clock. Trying to get everything in order. One of the Zoni then flew down to Clank. He lifted his head to see it.

"There is another way." It said.

Clank stood up rapidly, listening.

"Planet Fastoon, where it all began. In the Court." The Zoni finished and flew away.

Clank woke up really quickly. He looked around the room. He thought the Zoni was there with him.

"What do they mean by 'the Court?" Clank asked himself. He looked out the window and saw that it was dark. Clank jumped off the bed to find Kaden. He saw Flora baking bread.

"Flora? Is Kaden around?" Clank asked calmly.

Flora turned and knelt down. "He went out for a walk an hour ago, but I haven't seen him for a while, come to think of it."

"I'll see if I can find him. Thank you Flora." Clank said and walked outside. Flora turned back to her baking. As Clank walked out of the garage, he saw Kaden walking back. Clank ran up to him.

"Clank, I really don't want to talk to you at the moment." Kaden said pushing Clank to the side and continued walking.

"It's about Ratchet." Clank said

Kaden continued walking, ignoring Clank

"There's another way to bring back your son."

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