Part 9

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"Entering Fastoon's atmosphere" Talwyn's ship noted

Zephyr flew the ship down to the planet, and hovered the ship around the ruins of Fastoon. Clank had told them that Azimuth would most likely would have gone to the the Court of Azimuth to work out his next move.

"Cronk, Zephyr, I want to go alone. I'll have my navunit on so you can track my movements. I'll send a SOS signal if I need help." Talwyn said. Both Cronk and Zephyr wanted to protest, but they knew that Talwyn won't change her mind. Zephyr landed the ship.

"Good luck." Cronk said. Zephyr handed Talwyn a syringe

"Thanks." Talwyn said, loading her blaster and taking the syringe. She went passed the main part of the ruins and headed for the Court. She saw a ship that looked a lot like Ratchet's ship Aphelion.

'Yes, he's here.' Talwyn said to herself. She slowly opened the door, and closed it behind her. Azimuth was kneeling on the ground in front of her. His head facing the opposite direction. Talwyn pointed her blaster at Azimuth's. Her index finger on the triger, ready to fire.

"I know why your here Miss Apogee?" Azimuth said not moving.

"How do you know its me?" Talwyn asked.

Azimuth stood up and faced Talwyn. "How come Kaden sent you to do this?"

"He has other things on his mind right now." Talwyn answered.

"I know." Azimuth said. "Well come on. Come and get what you came for."

Talwyn lowered her gun and pulled out the syringe from her pocket. She went over to Azimuth and pushed the syringe into his fur and through his skin. Talwyn got a sample of blood from the Lombax and put a cap on the syringe and pocketed it. Talwyn smiled at Azimuth and turned her back to walk away. She hadn't even walked a step when Azimuth knocked her out cold with his wrench. Azimuth reached into Talwyn's pocket and took the blood filled syringe. He lifted Talwyn's unconscious body and leaded it against the left wall. He then went back into the same positon that Talwyn found him in. He wanted to face Kaden over the blood. He wanted to explain to Kaden why he killed Ratchet.


"What is with a lot of villains making there space stations the shape of their own head." Kaden asked not expecting an answer.

Clank laughed. That was the first time Clank had laughed in a while. Kaden landed the ship on the outer ring surrounding the outside of the massive head space station.

"There is no oxygen in the atmosphere surrounding the ship. An O2 mask is recommended." The ship stated.

Kaden whipped around and started looking around the ship for an oxygen mask. Then gave up when he realised that the ship didn't have one.

Clank pulled something out of his storage compartment. "I have this one, but it was fitted for Ratchet. I'm sure it'll fit you fine." Clank said, handing the O2 mask to Kaden. Kaden lifted it above his head and put it on. It was a prefect fit. Clank nodded and Kaden opened the cockpit. The two jumped out. Before the cockpit closed, he grabbed the Omniwrench.

"We'll have to go left to enter through the air shaft." Clank said, jumping onto Kaden's back.

"Alright." Kaden answered, his voice sightly muddled due to the O2 mask. Kaden griped the Omniwrench tightly. He was nervous of what he will find. He followed Clank's directions and found the air shaft. Kaden used the wrench to unscrew the bolts of the trap door. He pulled the trap door off and crawled into the air shaft. He turned around and put the trap door back on, but didn't bolt it on. Just incase he needed an escape. Kaden climbed through the shaft, and at one point needed to take Clank off his back to get through as it got thinner. Eventually, Kaden and Clank made it into the space station. Kaden unbolted the other trap door and sent Clank out to make sure that the coast was clear. It was and Clank signalled to Kaden to come out.

"Where would Nefarious keep Ratchet's body?" Clank asked

"A cryotube?" Kaden suggested, taking the O2 mask off.

"Most likely, but where?" Clank thought about it for a least a minute. "We'll need to find the-"

"Get back here!" Kaden shouted at Clank, he pulled Clank back behind a pile of boxes. A nurse with a very muscular body walked passed, pushing a stretcher.

"Is he seriously using that disguise again?" Clank asked. Kaden shrugged his shoulders not knowing what Clank meant, "Qwark!" Clank whispered loudly. The nurse turned and looked straight at Clank.

"Clank! What are you doing here?" Qwark asked. He pushed the stretcher into an unused room and told Clank to follow. Kaden followed Clank into the room.

"What are you doing here captain?" Clank asked. Kaden looked confused.

"I saw your ship fly in and I thought I could help. I dressed in this costume again and Dr Nefarious approached me. He told me to tell a robot that I needed to deliver what ever is on this stretcher to the storage room where a cryotube it waiting." Qwark explained.

"So theres a body under that?" Kaden said.

A voice from the door was the next to speck. "Yes. Yes there is." Kaden and Clank turned. Qwark's mouth fell open. Standing at the door was Dr Nefarious.

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