Part 15

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It took about half an hour to get through Nefarious’ forces and to get into the space station. As Qwark wasn’t there to help him in like last time. They finally made it into the station. From there, they had no idea where to go.

“Where to?” Ratchet asked

“That is the second time you’ve asked that. We are heading down.” Talwyn said.

“Right…Um…Lets go.” Ratchet said. He’d been so caught up about finding Clank and thinking about what happened at the Great Clock he had forgotten. Talwyn and Ratchet followed Azimuth though the hallways of the station. Ratchet thought about what happened last time he was here. He swore he blew it up. Either he was wrong and it didn’t, or they were about to rebuild it in less than two weeks. Ratchet had his Omniwrench in hand, ready for anything. They hadn’t walked a meter when his ear sprung up. Someone was following them.

“Shh.” Ratchet said. He strained his ears to listened. Something with metal feet was walking towards them. “Do you hear that?”

Azimuth nodded. Talwyn shook her head. Jumped behind a weapon crate and got their weapons ready for a fight. Ratchet looked around the crate to see Nefarious’ butler, Lawrence. He had a note pad and was talking into a radio.

“Yes sir…Yes I’ll move the two into the cell in sector 4…I won’t shot them, only if necessary…I know the Lombax has no weapons…ok sir.” Lawrence said, pressing the ‘end’ button and slipping the radio into his metal pocket.

‘Lombax…I thought it was only me and Azimuth. Unless its Angela.’ Ratchet thought.

“The coast is clear. Come on you, we need to get to sector 4, that’s where they are holding Clank.” Azimuth said

“And that other Lombax.” Talwyn added. Ratchet nodded and followed the to across two alleyways and down one stair case, until they reached a sign that read ‘Sector 4, Prison’. Ratchet looked down the long corridor. The walls were lined with five jail cells on each wall with purple electric beams, blocking the prisoners from escaping. The trio walked down the corridor and was looking side to side, searching for Clank.

Ratchet reached the last cell on the left and spotted Clank sitting on the metal chair and the Lombax sat facing the wall.

“Clank!” Ratchet shouted. Clanks head shot up as he heard his name. once he realised that it was Ratchet he jumped off the seat and ran to the front of the cell. The Lombax in the cell turned as well.

“Ratchet, your alive!” Clank said

Ratchet knelt down to see his robotic friend. “Yep, right here in the flesh.” Ratchet said. “It’s good to see you pal.”

“Its great to see you to.” Clank said.

“Who’s in the cell with you? Is that another Lombax?” Ratchet asked.

Clank stared at his friend with what Ratchet thought was a blank face. “You know who do you?” Clank asked

Ratchet lifted an eye brow, he heard Talwyn and Azimuth move behind him. “No, who is it.” Ratchet stood up and looked at the other Lombax. He was orange and yellow like Ratchet. He was wearing camouflage pants and his harness for Clank when he didn’t have armour on. He also wore Ratchets other leather cap. The Lombax was about a foot and a bit taller then Ratchet and a bit shorter than Azimuth.

“Ratchet, this is your father, Kaden.” Clank said.

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