Part 11

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As Kaden and Clank landed on Fastoon, Kaden saw Talwyn's ship near the ship. But closer to the building was Azimuth's ship. Kaden knew Azimuth had something to do with Talwyn not coming back. 

"Clank, could you, um... Stay here and look over Ratchet?" Kaden asked awkwardly.

"Of course Kaden. But will you be ok?" Clank asked. Kaden attached his Onmiwrench to his belt and pulled out the Combustor.

"I'll be fine." Kaden said. He smiled and opened the cockpit. "Plus, Crock and Zephyr will most likely come." 

Kaden jumped out the ship and went to Talwyn's ship. Crock and Zephyr were both in the cockpit and looked to do in a deep conversation. Kaden knocked on the glass of the cockpit and both Cronk and Zephyr’s heads turned to him. Cronk pressed a button and the lid opened.

“Hi rookie.” Zephyr said.

“So is Talwyn still in the court?” Kaden asked. Both robots nodded.

“We were waiting for you to come so we could head into the court to get Talwyn.” Zephyr said

“But we think that Azimuth guy is still in there to.” Cronk continued.

“All right then. I’ll go in but I what you two to stand at the entrance for backup if needed.” Kaden explained.

“Ok, rookie.” Zephyr said. The two grabbed a gun and hoped out the ship. The three walked to the Court of Azimuth. As Kaden walked passed Azimuth ship, he said to himself that it looked a lot like his old one. He turned around to where he crashed it long ago. It was not there. Kaden forgot the thought and turned his attention back to the count. Cronk and Zephyr positioned themselves at the door. Kaden opened the door and walked in slowly. We spotted Talwyn lending against the left wall. She was starting to wake up. Azimuth was kneeling on the ground in the middle of the room.

“Why did you do it?” Kaden tighten his grip on the gun. The Lombax stood up and faced Kaden.

“I had no choice Kaden. He would have-“ Azimuth started before Kaden cut in.

“HE DIDN’T HAVE TO DIE!” Kaden shouted angrily. Talwyn was now fully awake.

“HE WOULD HAVE STOPPED ME FROM BRINGING YOU BACK!” Azimuth shouted back. Kaden stood there.

“I rather him to be alive then me.” Kaden said in a quiet voice.

“Now Kaden, are you here to shout at me, or here for the same reason Ratchet’s girlfriend came for?” Azimuth asked sarcastically.

Kaden looked at Talwyn, then back at Azimuth. “Yes.” Azimuth reached into his pocket, and pulled out the syringe with his blood. He went over to Kaden and handed it to him.

“Use it well.” Azimuth said. Kaden took the syringe and radioed Clank.

“I’ve got Azimuth’s blood.” He said.

“Great! But how are we going to get Ratchet there?” Clank relpied.

“I’ll send Cronk and Zephyr.” Kaden answered. “Make sure you bring two syringes and a bowl or something. Kaden out”  

Kaden walked out the Court and told the robots to get Ratchet and Clank. They agreed and left to go to Kaden’s ship. Kaden talked back into the Court.

“Kaden.” Azimuth started. Kaden turned to face him. Even if Kaden’s had a straight face, he could see in Kaden’s eyes that he was angry. “Look Kaden, I didn’t want any of this to happen. I wanted Ratchet to finally have a life with his family. I learned that he spent most of his life alone on Veldin, until Clank came. I’m sorry.”

Kaden went to Azimuth and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok. What I’m going to should bring Ratchet back.” Kaden said. Azimuth nodded. “I just needed your blood.”

Cronk and Zephyr walked into the Court, lead by Clank. Zephyr was carrying Ratchet’s lifeless body. Cronk ran over to Talwyn, helped her up and explained what was going on. She almost wasn’t able to look at Ratchet. Zephyr laid Ratchet down on the ground. Kaden knelt down and pulled the top half of Ratchet’s armour so he could put the blood on Ratchet’s chest. Kaden stood up and turned to Clank. Clank pulled out the empty syringes and a small test tube and handed it to Kaden. Kaden took them and injected the syringe into his arm and got a sample of his blood. He pulled it out and put the sample into the test tube. He did the same with Azimuth’s blood. All he needed now was Ratchets blood. Kaden knelt down again and injected the syringe into Ratchet’s left arm. He got the sample and put it into the test tube. The syringes weren’t very big so there wasn’t much blood in the tube, but it was more than enough. Kaden stirred the blood a bit with the end of a syringe and with his finger, he smeared a line of blood on the left side of Ratchet’s chest. Kaden stood up and stepped back. From the roof of the Court, a stream of yellow and orange swiftly moved down to Ratchet. It entered though his mouth. A few moments later, a small, not very noticeable move came from Ratchet’s stomach. 

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