Part 19

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Talwyn waited at the hanger in the Apogee Space Station waiting for Ratchet and Kaden. Cronk and Zephyr were at the bridge tracking the two ships. Ratchet radioed Talwyn

"We're in approach. Open the hanger bay doors." Ratchet said. Talwyn pushed a button on the wall behind her and watched the doors open. Aphelion came though once the doors were fully open. The Star Explorer came though just behind Aphelion. Ratchet jumped out of his ship and walked over to Talwyn. Clank followed a few metres away. Ratchet wrapped his arms around Talwyn and rested his head on her shoulder. Talwyn hugged Ratchet and kissed him on the forehead. Kaden and Flora got out of the Star Explorer and went over to the couple.

Talwyn released herself from Ratchets arms, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah...fine. I'll tell you later." Ratchet said.

Kaden walked up to Ratchet side and faced Talwyn, "Could you show me to you fathers room? There is something I entrusted with him and I think it is in there."

Talwyn was surprised at the request. "Um... Sure Kaden. This way. Ratchet, your coming with me. Clank, could you show, I'm guessing Ratchet's mum, to the oasis."

Clank nodded and showed Flora though another door. Talwyn led Ratchet and Kaden to her fathers room.

"Here it is." Talwyn said. "I haven't been in there since my dad disappeared years ago. We'll wait out here."

"Thank you Talwyn." Kaden said. He opened the door and walked in. Talwyn turned to Ratchet.

"What's going on Ratch?" She asked. Talwyn could see there was pain in his eyes. Emotional pain.

"My dad wants to fix the Dimensionator and go to the Lombaxes." Ratchet explained. Talwyn then saw a tear wet Ratchets fur.

"How is he going to do that?" She asked.

"He entrusted the Dimenionator's plans to your father and he thinks they are here." Ratchet said. "He also knows that the Dimensionator is here to."

Talwyn nodded slowly. She went to ask Ratchet is he was going to go with his parents but Kaden walked out of the room, waving paper above his head.

"I found the plans!" Kaden shouted over joyed. "Talwyn, where's the Dimensionator?"

"It's in the treasure room. Follow me." Talwyn said. She noticed that Ratchet made no eye contact with his father. She could tell he was angry with the idea. The three walked down towards the treasure room. Kaden was almost jumping out of his skin, Ratchet on the other hand was miserable as anything.

"We are here. Don't. Touch. Anything." Talwyn warned. She pushed open the door and they entered. Talwyn switched the lights on and five pedestals became visible. Only two pedestals were visible. One had had the triangle map thing and the other had the Dimensionator on it. Kaden stepped towards it.
"It's just as I remember it." He turned to Ratchet, "was there anything broken in it when you lasted used it?"

Ratchet looked to the floor, trying to avoid his dad's eyes. "It was missing a 3 ¾ Centicubit Hexagonal Washer."

"Thank you." Kaden said, placing a hand on Ratchet's shoulder. Ratchet shook it off and turned away. Kaden went to Talwyn "Do you have one?"

Talwyn nodded. "We still have the one that the plumber gave Ratchet and Clank a few years ago. Grab the Dimensionator and meet us at the Oasis room. We'll be there soon."

Kaden grabbed the Dimensionator and walked out. Talwyn took Ratchet's hand and led him to the armoury.

"Why did you put that stupid thing in here?" Ratchet asked as they entered.

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