Part 10

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"And I believe that you already know who it is. Kaden." Dr Nefarious said. He laughed and walked back out of the room. "Good luck getting out alive." Nefarious slammed the door shut and a click came from the lock.

"He locked us in." Clank pointed out.

"Gathered that." Kaden said. He turned around and before he knew it, Qwark had grabbed him by the neck.

"Take the holo-guise off robot!" Qwark shouted. He tighted his grip on Kaden's neck. "Stop pretending to be my friend!" Kaden dropped the Omniwrench and he tried to take Qwark's hand away from his neck.

"Qwark, let Kaden go." Clank said.

"This robot tricked you Clank, can't you see he's fake!" Qwark shouted.

"Let go of the Lombax and take a look under the sheet on the stretcher." Clank said. Qwark dropped Kaden and walked over to the stretcher. Kaden looked like he was about to faint because he was without oxygen for almost to long. Qwark lifted the sheet and moved it to the bodies hip. Underneath the sheet was a yellow and orange furred creature. Underneath was the lifeless body of Ratchet. Qwark gasped like a girl. He looked at Kaden, then at Clank, then back at the body.

"Kaden isn't wearing a holo-guise. This is Ratchet's father. And that Lombax there is Ratchet." Clank explained.
"What...happened?" Qwark asked. Clank explained, summarisings what happened to Ratchet and why Kaden is here. He explained how they can bring Ratchet back.

"We need to find the person that did this" Qwark exclaimed.

From the floor Kaden said, "it might be a bright idea if we get out of here first."

"That is a great idea sidekicks dad." Qwark said. Kaden rolled his eyes. Clank went over to examine the door.

"The door is made of iron. I think the fusion glove should destroy it." Clank said. Kaden stood up and pulled the fusion glove out of the small bag on his belt and put it on his right hand. With his left, he turned the weapon on and prepped it to used. In his palm, a ball appeared. Kaden aimed and threw the ball at the door. The ball blasted the door right off its hingers. Qwark wrapped Ratchet's cold body in the sheets from the stretcher and carried him. Clank made sure no one was coming and ran over to the air vent. Clank handed the O2 mask to Kaden and he put it on.

Clank turned to Qwark. Kaden took the trap door off the air vent."Captain, I don't think that you will fit. You'll need to find another way out." He said.

"Alright then, Kaden." Qwark said. Kaden turned around. Qwark handed Kaden the body. "Keep him safe." Qwark said. Kaden said nothing. He almost couldn't bare seeing Ratchet like that. But he took the body and nodded. Clank slid down the air vent. Qwark handed back the body to Qwark.

"Once i'm down, slid him down." Kaden said, his voice slightly muffled by the O2 mask "I'll catch it once he's there." Kaden jumped into the vent and slid down, just behind him was Ratchet. Kaden picked him once with two hands and followed Clank to the ship. Kaden lied Ratchet's body in the cargo hold. Clank jumped in after him.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Clank said. Kaden nodded and jumped into the cargo hold. The room was open to the cockpit. Kaden climbed through and got into the seat. He turned the engine on and blasted off into space. As they headed to the Apogee Space Station, Kaden received a video call from Cronk and Zephyr.

"Is that you Kaden?" Cronk asked

"Yeah..." Kaden answered.

"Good, look, we think something happened to Talwyn" Zephyr said.

"Why?" Kaden said

"She hasn't returned from the Court of Azimuth." Cronk said.

From the cargo pit, "I think Azimuth is there." Clank said. "Kaden, change course for Fastoon. Will need to go there."

"Guys," Kaden started, "were heading there now. Kaden out."

Kaden stopped the call.

"Its going to be ok Kaden, he's going to be ok." Clank said.

Kaden nodded. His only problem was Azimuth right now. He didn't know how Azimuth was going to react to the situation with Ratchet. Kaden just hoped that it wouldn't end in a fight.

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