Part 16

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Quick Author's Note

just really quick I'm letting you know that all the minor and easy-fix things that I have messed up that were stated in my second Authors Note have been fixed. To not get confused about these changes, please go ahead and check what has been changed.


Grace AKA CastMagica

On to the long awaited and overdue chapter


Kaden stood still in the prison cell staring at his son. It was heart aching to see that Ratchet had no idea that he was alive and doing not-so-good. Ratchet turned to Azimuth and pointed his wrench at him. 

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Ratchet shouted. Kaden stood in the cell wide-eyed. He didn't know any could get so angry. 

"Because I didn't want to you so get too worked up about your father." Azimuth said calmly. Ratchet lowered his Omniwrench, turned and threw it at the power generator. The force of the throw smashed the power board of the generator shut down the electric bars of the cell. Kaden and Clank walked out the cell. 

"Great, now that we've got you two, let's get the hell out of here." Talwyn said. Ratchet nodded and threw Clank onto his back. Azimuth led Ratchet, Clank, Talwyn and Kaden the same way they came though. Dr Nefarious hadn't sent for more defences, he mustn't know that the five were there. The five got out of the space station and ran to there ships. 

"Ok, where are we going to meet?" Talwyn asked. 

"We'll meet at your space station.” Ratchet said.

“Alright. I’ll go with Azimuth, so you guys can…have some time together.” Talwyn said. Ratchet shook her hand and said thanks. Ratchet, Kaden and Clank climbed into Aphelion and took off. Ratchet was holding the stirring wheel with both hands and staring straight ahead. Kaden asked Clank what was up with him. Clank just supply said ‘he does that when he is driving and thinking.’

“You know Ratchet,” Kaden started, “This was my ship.”

Ratchet sat back and put the ship in auto-pilot. “I found it on Fastoon when I didn’t have a ship at that moment. I fixed Aphelion up as she was pretty banged up and here she is.”

“That was a great day, to have been started up again" Aphelion said.

“Yeah…sorry about crashing you.” Kaden said.

“You were in a rush and it was my fault that I was hit by the rocket.” Aphelion said.

“Ok. So… this is going to sound weird but, what happened when…you know, Azimuth brought you back?” Ratchet asked.

“Azimuth brought me and your mother-“

“My mum’s alive!” Ratchet shouted.

“Yes…as I was saying…we told the other Lombax’s to go to Fastoon as we went to find another place to live. After that, we ended up on Planet Veldin, where I sent you. How long did you stay there?”

“Since I could remember. I had this robot carer thing, that I destroyed at 13 because it was annoying me. Two years after that I lived on my own in a garage and that’s when I meet Clank.” Ratchet answered.

“Right. So I want you to meet your mum. That sounds really weird. We need to get to Clank’s apartment in Megapolis.” Kaden said.

“Awesome. Aphelion, do you have a gravimetric warp drive?” Ratchet asked.

“Yes.” Aphelion said.

“Good, set a course to Megapolis. And let Talwyn know that we are going there.” Ratchet instructed. Kaden didn’t realise how commanding Ratchet could be.

“Course set for Megapolis City, Planet Endako, Bogon Galaxy.” Aphelion stated.

“Thanks.” Ratchet said to Aphelion. He faced his father and Clank. “It’s going to be a long trip.”

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