Part 8

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Kaden and Clank boarded the ship and took off into space.

"Computer, set a course to Apogee Space Station." Clank said.

"Course set" the computer replied.

"Is this 'Talwyn Apogee' the daughter of Max Apogee?" Kaden asked.

"Yes." Clank answered. "I'm setting up a video call to her now to let her know that we are coming. For now, you are Ratchet."

Kaden nodded as a girls face appeared on the computer screen.

"Ratchet! Its been a while. And I see you found Clank." Talwyn said.

Kaden scratched his head, thinking about what to say. "Yeah, it has, and yeah I found Clank, it was a heck of a battle to get him out!" Kaden said smiling.

Talwyn smiled back, "are you ok, you sound like you have a cold or something-"

"I'm fine." Kaden cut in. Talwyn then looked at Clank with a face asking 'is he telling the truth', he nodded

"So what you guys doing?" Talwyn asked.

"Were heading over to your station now. We need your help with something." Clank said

"Ok. I'll open the landing bay for you. How far are you?" Talwyn asked

"I can see it." Clank replied.

"Ok the landing open. I'll meet you guys there. Talwyn out." The call dropped and the computer screen turned off. Kaden flew into the landing area and the doors closed behind them. The two jumped out and they saw Talwyn walking into the landing bay, followed by two robots.

"Welcome back to the Apogee Space Station Ratchet and Clank." Talwyn said warmly. They went to a oasis part of the space station and sat on a couple of rocks. Kaden whispered something to Clank

"So whats the go?" Talwyn said

"Could I talk to you privately please Talwyn?" Clank asked

Talwyn looked unsure. "Ok..." The two walked out into the hallway of the station.

"Whats wrong Clank" Talwyn asked.

"That's not Ratchet." Clank said simply. Talwyn looked from Clank, to 'Ratchet' and back to Clank.

"Yes it is, the only thing different is his voice, but thats a cold. Isn't it?" Talwyn said.

"Thats Ratchets father, Kaden. You dad knew him." Clank said.

"But on Fastoon, Tachyon said he killed Ratchet's parents." Talwyn said.

"But another Lombax named Azimuth brought back all the Lombax's that were killed when Tachyon attacked, including Ratchet's parents." Clank explained.

"Does Ratchet know his parents are alive." Talwyn asked.


"Why not?"

"Because he's dead!" Clank said. Talwyn's hands covered her mouth. A tear started to run down her face.

"What happened?" She sobbed.

Clank explained to Talwyn what happened at the Great Clock and that Ratchet fell off after Azimuth threw a electric charge at him. Talwyn and Clank then walked back into the oasis

"Clank, Did you make mine and Cronks baby girl cry?" One of the robots Zephyr asked. Kaden got up and walked off into the hallway. Talwyn eyes followed him.

Clank explained to Cronk and Zephyr what he said to Talwyn. All four of them turned and faced Kaden who was sitting on a chair and staring into space.

After everyone stopped crying and Clank went to get Kaden, everyone then got back down to business.

"What is it you need us to do Clank?" Talwyn asked.

"It is either you go and find Azimuth and get a sample of blood or find Dr Nefarious and get Ratchet's body." Clank said.

Talwyn hesitated, she didn't want to do either, but it was the only way she would see Ratchet alive again. "We'll find Azimuth. We'll radio you guys if we are done or need help. But do you guys know were he would be?"

"Most likely on Fastoon or at Dr Nefarious' new space station." Clank answered. Talwyn nodded. Kaden, Clank, Talwyn, Crock and Zephyr then ran down to the landing bay, boarded their ships and took off. Kaden and Clank went to Dr Nefarious' space statiom and Talwyn, Cronk and Zephyr went to Fastoon.

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