Part 17

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Author's Note:

Sorry it has taken soooooooo long to get this chapter out. I just kept running of time during. Anyway, hope you enjoy this Part, it extra long (3 pages on word)


It took over 10 hours to get to Megapolis. During the trip, Ratchet, Kaden and Clank all slipped in and out of sleep. While they wear awake, Ratchet and Clank told Kaden of there adventures though out the Solona, Bogon and Polaris galaxies. Ratchet told his father about the time when he met Clank. But the biggest conversation the three spoke about was about Tachyon. Kaden explained the battle between himself and the cragmite to Ratchet. Kaden said he was winning until his Blaster ran out of ammo. He told Ratchet that the last thing he remembered was Tachyon in his robot crab suit and his staff coming towards him. Ratchet and Clank when told Kaden about there fight in the Count of Azimuth and how Tachyon was able to drag the pair into an unknown dimension. Kaden didn't say a word while Ratchet and Clank spoke. He found it amazing that they were able to rid Tachyon from the galaxy.

"Now entering Megapolis." Aphelion announced.

"Finally." Ratchet said. "I was beginning to run out of things to say."

Aphelion landed at Clank's apartment roof and the three got out. Clank led the way down to his apartment. Kaden knocked on the door. Clank was next to him and Ratchet was slightly behind his father. Flora answered the door, she had a big grin on her face once said realised that it was Kaden and Clank. Flora jumped on Kaden. She rested her head on Kaden shoulder, her eyes closed. Ratchet stepped back a bit to avoid getting hit by the Lombax's ears. He studied the Lombax while she was hugging Kaden. Her fur was yellow, but with red stripes, rather than dark orange like himself, or his father. She was short like him and this female Lombax had a tail. Unlike Angela Cross. Flora pulled herself away from Kaden, open her eyes and smiled. Ratchet then saw that the Lombax's eyes were sapphire blue.

"Its about time you decided to turn up you two" Flora said, looking from Kaden to Clank. Then back to Kaden.

Kaden stepped to the side knowing Ratchet was there and turned to him. "Flora, let me introduce your son, Ratchet."

Ratchets eyes widen and he scratched his head nervously. Flora looked like she was about to faint. She slowed walked to Ratchet. He was slightly taller than see was. Flora looked back a Kaden, then to Ratchet again.

"You look so much like your father." Flora said smiling.

Ratchet didn't say anything, but pulled Flora into a hug. He felt his eyes begin to water.

"I think it would be best if you two continue the reunion inside." Clank recommended.

Ratchet and Flora released from there hug and followed Clank and Kaden inside. The four sat on the couches in the living room, opposite the kitchen. Ratchet and Clank sat facing Kaden and Flora. Ratchet couldn't believe who he was facing. It felt like a dream.

Flora looked at Ratchet, in his eyes, she could see that he was confused and she knew he was a lonely person, even with Clank.

"So what now?" Clank asked.

Kaden faced Ratchet. "We find away to get to the dimension, where the other lombax's are."

"Why?" Ratchet asked. "You only just got back, why do you want to leave all of a sudden?"

"After what that Doctor Nefarious showed to us, it is not safe for us Lombax's here." Kaden explained. Ratchet head fell. "We need to find the Dimensionator."

"The Dimensionator is broken." Clank informed. "And is beyond repair."

"I didn't say anything about it being in working order, and nothing is beyond repair." Kaden said.

"Talwyn has it." Ratchet said, not looking up.

"Thank you." Kaden said.

Clank turn to Ratchet, "I think you should rest Ratchet. It's been a long trip and you look tired."

Ratchet stood up, not saying a word, left the room and headed to the room he slept in when he stayed. he fell face first onto the bed. He heard Clank, Kaden and Flora talking in the distance. Couple of minutes later, he was asleep.

"Why do you need the Dimensionator Kaden?" Clank asked.

"I told Ratchet, it's not save here for us. And judging by the amount that Ratchet has been though. I'm scared for own safety." Kaden explained

"But Ratchet survived though all that."

"He was killed at the Great Clock!"

"While trying to protect it!" Clank shouted. Kaden fell silent, who knew a little robot like Clank could get so angry.

"Fine, I get your point. But I still think it is best for us Lombax's. I didn't tell Ratchet he couldn't come and be with his kind for once." Kaden said

"That's the thing you don't understand Kaden. He doesn't want to leave. He has friends here he needs to protect." Clank explained.

Flora finally spoke up. "I want to join the Lombax's."

"But you just got your son ba-"

"For Ratchet, I think it would be best if we kept everything the way it is for him. So that way he won't worry about us getting into trouble." Flora said. Clank nodded.

"I understand. It's it going to be Ratchet that you need to convince. He isn't the easiest to convince though, and even if he lets you go, he won't come." Clank said. Kaden and Flora nodded slowly. "But the problem now is that the Dimensionator is with Talwyn. In the Polaris galaxy. I can send her a message, if you want."

Kaden nodded his head, "how many can fit in Aphelion?"

"It can two people and a small robot. You guys might need to borrow one of Ratchet's old ones. It is in the garage downstairs. I'll send a message now for it to be ready with Aphelion tomorrow morning for the trip to Talwyn's space station." Clank said. Kaden nodded his head again and stood up.

"I think we should rest." He announced.

"Sounds good." Flora said.

"You guys might want to sleep in my room, I think Ratchets in the room I supplied Flora. It's just down the hall to the right. I'll be with Ratchet." Clank said.

"Thanks Clank" Kaden said. He and his wife went to the room. Clank headed to the spare room. Ratchet was on his side facing the window, snoring quietly, but breathing heavily. As though in a nightmare. Which is common. Clank took an unused pillow off the bed and set it up on the floor. He lied down on it, then fell asleep.

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