Part 18

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Kaden was the last to wake up the next morning. He was up late thinking about his decision to fix the dimensionator and get to the Lombax's. He knew that leaving Ratchet again will hurt him badly, but he had no choice. He stood up out of bed and looked in the mirror. His hair in his head was a mess and there were black bags under his eyes. He went to have a shower before walking into the kitchen. Clank was nowhere to be seen, Flora was getting breakfast ready and Ratchet was sitting on a bar chair and leaning on the kitchen bench, holding a mug of hot chocolate. He had a blank face as he stared into the mug. 

"Morning Kaden." Flora said. She pushed a plate of toast towards him, along with a glass of milk. Clank walked into the room.

"The ships are ready. Kaden and Flora, you two will take the star explorer. Me and Ratchet will take Aphelion." Clank explained. 

"Great." Both Kaden and Flora said. Ratchet simply nodded. 

Kaden finished off his toast and milk and headed up to the roof with Flora where Ratchet and Clank would meet them. Once at the top, Kaden saw Ratchet under the star explorer, tightening a few bolts that he knew were loose from when he was flying it. He push himself out and turned to Kaden. 

"Everything is in working order. " Ratchet said, throwing a set of keys at his father. "The coordinates are set and ready to go. See you at Talwyn's" 

"Thanks." Kaden said. He and Flora opened the cockpit and got in. Ratchet and Clank did the same. Kaden and ratchet turned on the engines of their ships and took off.

Ratchet sat in the pilots seat in Aphelion, staring into his lap, thinking about his parents decision to leave the galaxy just to be with the other Lombax's. Clank looked to his friend in the seat next to him.

"Are you ok?" Clank asked.

Ratchet shook his head. "Would you if your parents decided to leave their only son and go to another dimension?" 

"No, but I understand why they decided too do this." Clank said.


"Because if they and the other Lombax's stayed, they would be put into harms way. Remember what it has been like for you for the last 9 years because you were a Lombax. Remember Tachyon? if the Lombax's stay and Tachyon somehow returned, which I'm sure he will sooner or laster, the Lombax's will be in trouble again."

"I guess you're right. I couldn't change there mind anyway." Ratchet finished just as a call came though.
"Kaden, Clank is that you?" the familiar voice asked. The mans picture appeared on the screen, it was Qwark.

Clank was the first to speak. "This is Ratchet and Clank. What do you need Qwark?" 

Qwark's face changed from worry to surprise. "Ratchet! You're alive!" 

"I don't fell alive right now. What do you want?"

"Um... I just wanted to see if you guys got out of Nefarious' space station ok?" Qwark said.

Ratchet looked at Clank with a blank face. "Kaden and I got out fine. How did you get out?" Clank asked. 

"Oh. I used one of my many disguises that I had a hand." 

"Please don't tell me that you used that stupid nurse costume." Ratchet said.

"That is the one." Qwark said. Ratchet face palmed. 

"Sorry Qwark but we need to go, we are about to enter hyperdrive." Ratchet said.

"Ok then, hopefully we will meet again soon."

"I'm sure we will" Ratchet sighed. The call ended.

Several hours later,

"Apogee Space Station in view, prepare for landing." Aphelion said. Clank noticed that Ratchet was asleep. He shook he him awake.

"You can't!" Ratchet shouted, jolting awake. He turned to Clank once he realised what he did. "Sorry...bad dream." 

"It's ok Ratchet." Clank said. Ratchet settled down a bit. "We are almost at the Miss Apogee's space station." 

Ratchet nodded. As he did, a call came though.

“Ratchet! Is that you on approach?” Talwyn said.

“Yes. There should also be a star explorer in approach as well.” Ratchet said.

“Ok… I’ll check the radar again.” Talwyn said. She disappeared from the video. A few seconds later she returned. “Yeah, there is a star explorer just behind you. Who’s driving?”

“Ratchet’s parents.” Clank said.

“And why are you guys coming?”

“We will explain once we land.” Clank finished.

“ok…I’ll see you once you land.”

Ratchet nodded “See you.” The call ended.

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