Part 4

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Kaden stopped and turned to face Clank. His face was wet from the tears that rolled from his bright green eyes. Clank slowly walked up to him.

"How do we do it?" Kaden asked kneeling down and facing Clank

"It has something to do with Fastoon." Clank explained his dream to Kaden. 

"'where it all began'" Kaden repeated. "In the court, that was were Ratchet was born."

"There might be something there that might help us." Clank said. 

Kaden stood still for a minute, thinking. "what's at the court?" He asked himself. "Clank?"

"Yes Kaden?" Clank answered

"Do you know if Ratchet has any weapons or bolts that we could use?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know. He normally kept most of his weapons with him. It was only by chance he dropped the OmniWrench." Clank said. "But I think he might have a few emergency guns under his bed. And I have bolts we can use." Clank said. Kaden smiled and ran into the garage. Flora was asleep on the couch. Kaden and Clank walked into Ratchets room and knelt down to the side of the bed. Under was a mess. There was clothing and tools everywhere. Towards the top of the bed was a pretty big box. Kaden reached under the bed and grabbed the box and pulled it out. Kaden then placed the box on the bed. The top was really dusty. Clank jumped onto the bed an opened the box. Inside was one gun, a glove, a emergency mini radio for communication, and a mini bag that is a lot bigger in the inside and is really light. It is used to carry the guns. Kaden dragged out the first gun out of the box. 

"Ratchet had 2 of them. One he had on him and one here. It's a Combustor. And the glove is a Fusion Bomb glove.” Clank explained. Kaden held the Combustor. He found it weird that his son would have weapons under his bed.

“How do you run around after Ratchet?” Kaden asked.

“I don’t follow him. Ratchet wears a upper body harness so that I can connect to him and he carries me on his back.” Clank said, jumping off the bed and pulling out a harness from under it. Kaden pulled off his white shirt and pulled the harness on. Kaden picked up the bag and attached it onto his belt that was holding up his dark green camouflage pants. He then put the weapons in the bag. The Combustor was a heavy weapon, but it felt like nothing was there. Clank jumped on the bed again and took the mini radio.

“Kaden, what are you planning to do? You don’t have a ship.” Clank said. “and how are you going to tell your wife?”

“She knows Ratchet was murdered. She’ll understand.” Kaden said. “But getting a ship might be a problem.”

“Go tell your wife your plan. I think I know someone who might be able to help.” Clank said. Clank followed Kaden out the room. Kaden what to Flora and explained what is going on. Clank took the mini radio out of his storage thing and dialled the first person he throught of. Captain Qwark.

“Hello this it Captain Qwark, the most handsomest and bravest hero in the galaxy.” Qwark said thought the radio.

“Hello Qwark, it Clank” Clank said

“Clank, I haven’t seen you for a while. Did Ratchet find you then?” Qwark asked.

“Yes. We are on Planet Veldin. Could you send us a ship please?” Clank asked.

“Sure thing my robotic friend. I’ll send it now. Are you coming to Megapolis City?” Qwark asked.

“Yes Qwark, we’ll see you there. Thank you” Clank said

“Qwark over and out.” Clank put away the radio and turned to find Kaden holding the OmniWrench in his right hand and Flora walking to towards Clank holding the OmniWrench in his right hand.

“Did you get hold of someone?” He asked.

Clank nodded. “Yes, Captain Qwark. He thinks he is a superhero. But he just takes credit from Ratchet. But there is something you need to do.” Clank said.

The ship Qwark sent started landing.

“What?” Kaden asked.

“You need to pretend to be Ratchet. I haven’t told Qwark and I’m not going to. If he thinks ‘Ratchet’s’ personality his changed, I’ll say you’ve been though a lot. And he wants us to go to Megapolis.” Clank explained.

“Ok. You do you know anywhere Flora could stay in Megapolis?” Kaden asked.

“I have a apartment there. She can stay in there.” Clank said

Flora picked up Clank and hugged him. “Thank you.” Flora said. She put

Clank down.

Clank opened the hatch of the ship and let Flora in first, then jumped in and sat on Flora’s lap. Kaden followed, jumping into the pilots seat.

“Do you know how to fly this plane?” Clank asked.

“Yes. This was my first ship.” Kaden said, turning on the thrashers and lifted the plane of the off the ground and blasted off Veldin and towards Megapolis City in the Bogon Galaxy using the ships built in gravimetric warp drive

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