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2. Meeting the Clique and Miss Stranger.

Anna's POV

Pushing the Large door open, Moonbin walked into the cafe while I followed behind like A Dongsaeng following Her Oppa Around. He stopped at the counter, greeting A Boy who wore an apron over his Orange shirt, with his blonde bouncy hair catching my attention. From they way they acted, one could tell that they were friends.

"Hello" The blonde Haired guy greeted me with a smile, making me smile back. His smile was contagious and he seemed really Nice. He didn't look crazy to me.

"Hi" I replied.

He wiped his wet hands on the apron, handing his hand out to me for me to shake it. "I'm Park Jinwoo. Jinjin for Informality"

I took his hands in mine and shook it gently. I don't know, it felt like his hands would fall off if you didn't shake it gently. "I'm Anna. Anna Choi"

Pulling back his hands he smiled again and I felt butterflies dancing to BTS's Run in my Stomach. Can someone tell them to stop That?

"you're right Moonbin. She's really pretty but I don't think she's going To Help you get Joonyi" he said, turning To Moonbin who nodded and faced him. "she will, she just needs a little Makeover besides where are the guys?"

"Upstairs. Minhyuk's teaching them how to Salsa."

"Eh? Why?"

"they accidentally sighed up for the Salsa competition and now, they cant take their name off"

Moonbin laughed.

"its not funny. They look like Beaten up Doughs right now" Jinwoo replied Him. Moonbin didn't mind. He got up and dashed upstairs leaving me with Jinwoo who had began wiping some cups.

"so Bin told me You're in your First year of Senior year"

I nodded. I didn't even know Bin knew. Stalker much?!

"why did you agree to it?"

"Agree? He blackmailed me"

"Forgive Bin, he's always been that way besides he's only doing this to get His First Love to like him" he said.

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now