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A/N: And the official ship name for Bin and Anna is;


¶20. Why didn't you kiss me....back?

Anna's POV

Both boys stared at me, shocked by my decision but I didn't care to Talk, I didn't want to hurt myself anymore. Joonyi kept glaring at me the whole time and although, I felt pissed and angered, I wasn't going to show it.

  “Are you really going to go with him?”

The voice asked earning a nod from me. I knew I was going to regret this but then again, it had ti be done.


“Are you really okay?”

I nodded with my head resting on the window frame. But it was a lie. I wasn't okay. It was painful and though but I had to do.

“Anna...” Minhyuk called. “...Do you perhaps like Bin?”

How can I answer this? I liked him but I still hated him. It was a love-hate thing but I think I liked him more than hating him, still, I hated the fact that I kept liking him when I should still be hating him. It was a mess. A mess that didn't want to leave me alone.

Minhyuk stared at me still waiting for a reply but instead I got out of the car, that was parked few houses away from myself, and said; “Lets walk, I like the Fresh Air, the Sky's blessing us with.”

Contemplating for some seconds, Minhyuk got out of the car, and hurried over to my side. “You don't want to tell me right?”

“...Do you know why Bin and I got back together?” I asked as he shook his head. “Then you should have asked that at first...well, he said he was going to believe me if I prove to him that Joonyi was a Pschyo.”

“I still don't see how that connects.”

“She stopped bugging me after Bin and I ended things but if Bin and I get back together, she'd try other ways to break us up again...”

Minhyuk halted. His gaze fixed on the floor like he was thinking deeply about something before finally turning to me. “Are you serious Anna?! You are going to let her Do this to you again?! I mean, she's capable of doing anything and I think she passed that message across lot of times..Think about this again and don't be Stupid.”

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