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[Recommended song: Stuck by Mx- this song speaks to me]

¶18. Stuck with you..Again.

Moonbin's POV

She probably thought I was crazy asking her to get in with me since I have been the one avoiding her and all but I wasn't that heartless to leave her in the rain.

“Do you want me to drive you home?” I asked, expecting a solid no but was surprised when she nodded once and put down her hands.


Running back me, she rushed to the passenger's seat to open it and got in while I did the same. The ride was anything but interesting. She had her eyes on the road and avoided gazes and glances with me. She didn't even say a word.
Well,I can't blame. I was the idiot who caused it. I tapped the on button on my car stereo as Big bang's let's not fall in love began to play.

Really? At this moment? Stretched out my hands to turn it off when she stopped me.


Confused, I asked. Why?”

“I want-” she paused, slowly taking her hands of my wrist. “-I want to listen to it” and she went quiet as the song played in the background. I tried to focus on my driving but her sulking in the corner wasn't helping, so I endured it until we got stuck in traffic, then she spoke.

“I don't want to go home”

I turned to stare at her, trying to read her expression but i couldn't. Taking my gaze off her, I asked. where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere but Home”

I heard her say as she leans backwards and looks out the window to see the Beautiful View of the world. It was prettier. The world was always prettier at night. As the traffic began to move, I stole another glance at her to see that she had closed her eyes....

Dream of Me Choi.


Anna's POV

Stirring lightly, I opened my eyes slowly to see myself surrounded by darkness. Sitting up, I raised my head to see Moonbin standing outside while staring at the stars. Oh geez! I must have slept off again. The jacket on my body caught my next attention when I realized that it belonged to Bin.

Grabbing hold of it tightly, I stepped out and made my way towards him. “Sleep well?”

I nod. “Like a Baby” I said whilst looking around the field. “But where exactly are we?”

“Few Kilometers away from the city.”

I'm sorry.. Did he just see we aren't in Seoul anymore? What was he thinking coming here? You know what? I bet he wasn't thinking at all.

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