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5. Let the fairytale begin.


“Running away is not going to solve anything, you owe her an apology and you know it Moonbin!” I heard Jinwoo say, aiming the dart in his hands at the board.

I know. I know and I know It was stupid to use her but I wasn't thinking. I just wanted Joonyi. I knew she liked me because Her friend had shown me her diary once and I do not mean to brag but everything was mostly me. Then the shocking thing happened, I confessed and she said ‘No’ she didn't ‘feel the same way’. That was crap because her diary was pretty much prove that she Adored me.

   I like Joonyi a lot and I'm mad at her for rejecting me but I still want her. I want to call her my Girlfriend. I want to hold her hand and show her off to everyone has My real girlfriend, so I'm using Anna to get her which seems to be working.

“That's it!” Eunwoo said breaking me out of my thoughts. “She will soften up to you, if you take your time to know her really well.”

“Eunwoo! That is.....not such a bad idea” sanha threw a cushion at me, throwing me a glare. “Its Hyung Bin, its Hyung”

“Since when did you start teaching manners?” I questioned with a brow. “I think you're missing the point here Bin hyung. Respect is key when it comes to winning a lady's heart. Not all girls like bad boys. Not all girls want to date Bad boys. Some want little fairy tales in their lives and from the looks of it, your bad boy charm is not appealing to Anna

Sanha ended as the whole place turned quiet. How did Sanha know these things? For Fudge sakes, he's still a fetus. “Yoon Sanha...” Myungjun said, staring at the Little boy. “.....Are you dating these days?”

“What? No...I'm not. I just read the chick flick Magazines Noona has back at home” he shrugged and turned his attention to his phone again. Weird, but Okay.

“Okay.?okay... Hm Bin, you just have to go through this week without being cocky with her.” Jinwoo advised. I don't know. It was going to be hard. This was me, MoonBin. Playing Prince Charming suddenly was going to be weird and really? Would Anna be playing Cinderella?

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now