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Important A/n below!!!

27. Take you away.

Moonbin's pov

Anna removed my hands from my waist as my heart fell.  Did she just reject me?  Did Anna reject me?  What was I expecting anyway...she was bound to reject my sorry ass.  I just wished she would give me a chance.


She called. “Do you love me?”

Was that supposed to be a question? I fudging adored her.  Yes. I love all of her. Feeling ignored, she nodded. “I guessed so too.  I'm. Sorry I was too stupid to ask”

She turned about leaving when I grabbed her by the hand, my hands around her waist.  I pulled her so close to me that I could feel her breathe on my chest. “I can't say I love you cause I just don't just love you.  I'm in love with you.  I want to be with you.  I want to have all of you.  I need you with me..." Pulling back a lock of her hair, I let my hand fall too to her chin.  “so... Anna, will you....”

She pulled my collar and placed her lips on mine. Surprised, my eyes refused to close shut.  She deepened the kiss as my hands pulled her waist closer to me....and I kissed back.

I would be lying if I said I could describe how I feel cause I can't describe how I feel.  The feelings in me are just overwhelming. Right at that moment, it felt like she just completed me.  Like she found the missing piece I had been looking for.

“anna... ” I called,Her head on my chest.


“how long have you liked me?”

I felt her squirm beneath me as she hugged me tightly.

longer than you think..’’


Sanha's Pov

They were destined from the start.  Even I refused to believe it cause moonbin never liked anyone like he liked Joonyi but I thought wrong. He loved Anna more.

“Oh Sanha.. ” Jessica called when I bumped into her. I only waved to her about to leave when she stopped me. “can I have that?” she said pointing to my note.  I handed it over to her as her eyes opened in horror.

“Sanha... ” her palms began to shake and she grabbed my right hand.  “S-sanha... It was you?”

“what are you talking about?”

“the hand writing's the same... It has been you all along.  Last week, it was you with the cap, I recognize your Pokémon cap anywhere...” her voice shook as she spoke.


I. Never wanted them to find out this way.

“Jessica.... ”

"Don't. " she cut me off.  "Just tell me how much you've dug up about my sister... "


Anonymous pov.

Anna held tightly onto bin's hand as they walked on the road. Both were quiet.  None had anything to say to the other till bin broke the ice.

“sometimes, I feel like instead of talking to you, I'd rather be kissing you.. ”

Anna blushed crimson red. “don't do it..you know how I feel about PDA”

Bin planted a kiss on her hand. “I know.  Which is why I'm holding back right now... "

"Bin.. " she called out again, halting in their steps. “Do you really love me?  I don't want to feel insecure but I need to know you're over Joonyi. Do you still love her?"

Bin let go of her slowly and walked into a store to purchase a small megaphone. Confused, anna just watched from the sidelines.

He held the item to his mouth and began;

Everyone listen,

I am MOONBIN, current boyfriend to Choi Anna.. I love her so much but she doesn't believe me.  So to prove my love for her, I'm going to publicly sing for her.

He set the megaphone down and began to sing as people clapped their hands while the others simply watched, especially Anna. She smiled as people took videos of Bin singing for her but as much as she wanted to be happy, she couldn't.

Seungcheol was still missing.....


The mask was removed from his face as he let out a soft sigh.  The girl held a knife to his neck and let out a wicked laugh. "You know.. I won't kill you just yet... " she let the knife pierce through his skin. “I'll do it in front of her...” she grinned.

“and just like she took bin away from me... ”

She cleaned the blood stains on his neck and disposed it into the dustbin beside her and with a wicked smile on her face, she whispered.

“....I'll take you away from her”


You know people are just really annoying. I'm sorry I'm not the best author of the year but please don't insult my work! I know I haven't been online for a while.. I'm busy with school and all but it doesn't mean that I have forgotten my works!


there's just been no inspiration to write and I don't plan on writing rubbish to save my name.

So stop sending me DMs like I don't care anymore. I still Fudging DO!

-sorry for the crappy chapter. excuse the mistakes.

-Author Lee.

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