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4: 'Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them both?'

Anna's POV

I packed my hair in a normal ponytail and hung my school bag on my right shoulder before climbing downstairs. I knew I would have to skip breakfast because Moonbin would arrive soon and get all cranky again, giving me rules and talks on how to be punctual and trust me, his talks are always as long as the Indian constitution.

"Hey. You ready?" Cheol asked as I shook my head. "Bin's coming today". I said and sat on a stool beside the kitchen counter, flashing my mom a small smile.

"You and that Bin boy, are you two dating?" he questioned. Sometimes I don't even know how to answer that. I mean it's not like I can say,No weren't dating, he's just using me to get his crush jealous. Trust me, it's going to earn me a free ticket to loony town so instead, I grinned falsely. "Yup, we are dating"

"tch! I thought as much. I was surprised when Omma told me you had a boyfriend and I told her Dogs don't count" he laughed causing me to groan. This is exactly why I can't stand Cheol. His jokes are pretty much lame and he is a very annoying-

Ding! Dong!

Great! Moonbin's here. I waved to both mother and Son before leaving the house. I opened the door hoping to see Bin but..

"Uh.....Minhyuk? What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Bin has things to deal with. So he asked me to come pick you up". Owww-kay. Riding to school with Minhyuk might not be so bad after all. At least for today, I won't have to breathe in the same air that he breathes in but what important thing did he have to do? Was this about Joonyi again? No no Anna, I already told you not to think about that.

"You coming out or not?" Minhyuk's voice overshadowed my thoughts. Not replying, I got out of the car and headed for my locker. It felt so different, why was Bin not here again? Was he still busy?

Ani Anny.. You should be happy, you should be jumping for Joy right now but why do I feel so empty? Aish! I don't know and I don't and shouldn't care. I saw Bin walk pass with his friend Sanha as Sanha stopped to greet me.

"Oh Noona, you're here" I nodded. "Did you sleep well? Did you have a good dream?" I nodded to that again still trying to catch Bin's gaze. He wasn't even looking at me.

"Its great then. Let's have lunch together. Bye" I muttered an inaudible bye to him as he ran to catch up with Bin. Okay...did I do something wrong?

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