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¶12. “Fall! I'll catch you.”

Anonymous POV

After Cleaning the Zinc in the kitchen, Anna didn't expect to see Minhyuk in front of her house when she left to throw out the garbage.

Uhm..Minhyuk..?” shocked, she gripped the door handle tight. what are you doing here?”

The older gave her a small smile, while holding a basket. “Wanna go on a picnic..?”

“what.?! Now..?”

Minhyuk nodded shyly while silently cursing his attitude. He couldn't help himself when it came to Anna. In fact, he didn't know who he was anymore when he was with her.

“Okay..let me go get ready.... ” letting the words trail from her lips, she dumped the garbage in the long Can and invited Minhyuk into her home. Minhyuk stepped inside like the house would swallow him if he walked properly... He counted his footsteps until he got into the Sitting room.

“Your house's cool..”

She sent him a wry smile. “Thanks..I'll be down in some minutes.. ” Minhyuk nodded as he watched her climb the staircase and a guy descend the staircase.

“Who are you..?” the deep voice startled Minhyuk as the younger shot up from the couch immediately.

“I'm Minhyuk.. Park Minhyuk... ” Minhyuk replied.

“So...? What are you doing here?”

“Came to visit Anna...” he shrieked. He had a feeling this dude was Anna's older brother and even though he didn't look scarier at all,his voice was really Scary.

Which brings me back to my first question.. Who are you...... to her..?”

“A friend..?” even he wasn't sure what he was to Her yet. Even though they acted like friends, they weren't really friends or were they? He didn't know. He wasn't sure.

Seungcheol took out his phone and began typing. “Why are you friends with her. ?”

Minhyuk really didn't know how to answer that. Because she's friends with my friend...?”

“And who's your friend..?”

Gosh! He wanted the questions to stop. His gaze trailed to the staircase waiting for Anna to show up and....Save Him. And as if Seungcheol read his mind, he laughed. “She won't be able to save you from Me Minhyuk.. So tell me who this friend of yours is.”

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