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¶30. Every moment counts.

Minhyuk's POV

Hyung, stop this! This is enough!” I yelled as I watched him drown himself in alcohol. I know it's very hard to let go because we all love her. And for me, this would be the second time I'm letting her go. Anna was as important to us as she was to Bin, so we understand what he's feeling but alcohol can not change the reality, she's dead. We lost her. The faster we accept this, the faster we get over it.

Hyung, please let's stop this. Its not worth it”

Bin ruffled his hair as the tears fell. I couldn't help but pity him. I knew how it hurt. “I-I lost her Minhy-yuk he mumbled as I watched A grown Bin cry.

Hyung, she's in a better world now and she's living happily. She can protect us all now that she's up there.. Okay?”

Bin sighed. “I regret it”

regret what?”

“I regret not being able to protect, being able to save her and worst of all...not believing her about Joonyi.” Bin sighed, bowing his head. “I should have believed her truth about Joonyi. Minhyuk, I regret everything”

I nodded, sitting beside him as I grabbed a bottle too, pouring myself a glass. “For today, let's forget the pain. Just for today”

Choi Anna, are you listening? We miss you.



Turned to see Ha-Young running to meet me. “Hey” I simply greeted.

Hey..” she replied. “I've been trying your line and my calls go to voicemail. Everything okay?”

I nodded, lying as I entered into the large practice room. “Today, I'm going to teach you how to...” my head was spinning and my eyes felt heavy. I could see Her mouth move but I couldn't hear her properly.

what's happening?” I asked before passing out.

Hours later.

Opened my eyes to see the familiar design of my Ceiling as I sighed. I must have passed out-again. But where's Ha-Young?

She walked in immediately carrying a tray of food. Placing it on the table across me, she smiled. “Are you okay now?”

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now