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13. Date Me.

Anonymous POV

Out in the field on a Wednesday evening was Moonbin throwing basketballs aggressively into the hoops. He was part mad and part excited. He was excited that Joonyi had approached him on Monday to ask for a date which he reluctantly agreed to. And he was mad because Minhyuk and Anna had started to become really close. He didn't want that happening. He didn't like that happening. The thought of them laughing together made him red with Anger.

He shot another ball into the hoop as Joonyi approached him.

“Why don't you join the basketball team Bin..you are obviously awesome at it.” Joonyi said, with a sincere smile on her face.

Bin ignored her and picked up the basketball, getting ready to throw it.

“You know, I remember those times were we used to play ball when we were still quite young. You would Always make a fuss and throw a tantrum each time you lose..” she chuckled, irritating Bin. Knowing that she knew him so well, made him even more mad. Staring at the basketball in his hand, he sighed. Maybe playing basketball wasn't a good idea.

He dropped the ball about to leave when Joonyi grabbed his wrist. Silence took over. No one said anything for a whole six minutes until Bin broke the ice.

“Let go..”he snared.

“I know you hate me but...let's start over Bin. I miss you.. A lot. I miss my friend..”

Friend. Bin thought. She was a terrible liar. He yanked his hand free from her as he turned to yell out his feelings at her, only to be enclosed in a hug. Joonyi wrapped her arms around him as if her life depended on it. Moonbin froze for a while, battling with his consciousness if he should hug her back or not.

“I missed you Bin..” she embraced him tightly. “..and I'm serious about that.”


MJ hyung's treating today..want to hang out with us Noona?” Sanha inquired, raising a brow. Anna shook her head.

“Thanks Sanha but I've got things to do.” Sanha nodded letting Anna walk in the other direction of the hallway while he walked into the opposite.

Spending four hours on her class project, she decided to leave the school library and end her work for the day. She took out her phone and saw Six missed calls.. One from Seungcheol and the others from Minhyuk but none from Moonbin..? She pocketed her phone and continued walking away. Was he mad at her? How come he hadn't spoken to her for days? Did she do something wrong again..?

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