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¶7. Tagged 'Weak'.

Anna's POV


Water Landed on my face as I shook. Slowly, I began to open my eyes to see Someone hovering over me. Where was I?

"Wake up, you B*tch" the voice said, causing my head to ache. Again, where was I?

"What am I doing here?" I asked as she slapped me across my face. I didn't know her. I didn't understand. Who was she? And why was she torturing me, what did she want from me?

"Only I ask the Questions around here" she said as two others held me down. My heart felt like it was exploded at the way it was beating so fast. It was like the other time when he kidnapped me. I shuddered in fear like a chicken that was about to be killed.

"Aww~ She looks so scared. You know, you are a bit stubborn for my liking. We told you to Stay away from Bin but instead you go about kissing him and having pretty cutey Dates. Have you gone Mad? When We said stay away, we meant Stay Away!" and she slapped me again. I couldn't even do anything cause I was tied down and weak. How long had I been in here? And who were they ? Cause I'm pretty sure, I had never seen her in my life.

"Now, I'm giving you a warning, stay away from Bin or your life will be cut off really short" I gulped. She took out a small knife and advanced towards me. What the-? No way! Was she....? Fudge No. I gathered the little strength in me and began to scream. She slapped me across the face telling me to shut up but she was going to have to do more worse to stop me. She dragged my arm about to mark me. The blade was on my arm about to enter when the door burst open.

"Shoot!" she caused and let go of me instantly as herself and her friends disappeared through the back door. The Figure Ran towards me as the whole place started to get Blurry again.

"Are you okay?" the Hoarse voice asked. I nodded.

"Thanks" I said and Closed my eyes drifting off to whatever place I was going to find myself in.


I could hear voices as I opened my eyes to see A white ceiling.

"Am I in heaven?"

I didn't expect a reply so it freaked me out when A voice said; "No, pretty Sure its your worst nightmare"

I turned to See Minhyuk, cleaning a cut on my knuckles. "What happened?" he suddenly stopped and met his gaze with mine. It held fear in it. Was Minhyuk afraid for me? Wow,this was A first!

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now