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A/N: Official ShipName for Minhyuk and Anna is MINNA.

¶21. It’s You.

Anna's POV

Nervously rang the doorbell as I waited for Minhyuk to open the door. Sincerely, I had never been more nervous in my entire life. I mean, what if something unexpected happens.? Like his parents see me or something..? What if—

The door opened revealing a lady who was close to being an Ahjumma. With the maid outfit she had on, I could tell she wasn't his mother..or was she?

“Can I help you?”

I shook my head.. Confusingly. “No..?” she raised a brow about to shut the door in my face when I Spoke out quickly. “I'm a Friend of Park Minhyuk, I came to check on him!”

Nodding, she gave way, letting me into the big duplex. Please don't expect me to describe what his house looked like. It was A house. A big house with vintage Decors. The Ahjumma led me upstairs and towards a door.

“Go on In..” she said as I replied, opening the door and entering into the dim lit room. I could barely see a thing. I walked into the depths of the room to see Minhyuk laid out on one of the couches, fiddling with the remote. His expression wasn't readable but I could tell he was sick from his swollen face.

  “Ya! You're going to spoil it..if you keep playing with the remote!”

Minhyuk's mouth fell open as he stared at my figure. He probably didn't believe I was here in the flesh but I was.

“Anna..Are you real right now? Or am I hallucinating?” he spoke to no one in particular, sitting up. Smiling, I approached him and threw my arms around his neck. “you wouldn't feel this, if I wasn't real..”

I could feel him smile as he returned the hug, nuzzling his head into my neck. “I'm Happy to see you, Anna.”

“Ara..(I know)..” I muttered out, as he tightened the arms around my waist. Being with Minhyuk made me happy. At least when I am with him, I don't think about Moonbin for a while.


“You will get sick Anna..Stop!” Minhyuk protested, putting the nosemask on me. I removed it again, and Hit his shoulders. “I told you, I don't fall sick easily.. Now! Be still.. ”

He groaned, and folded his arms looking away while I picked up the Soup and gave it to him. He raised a brow, glancing at me, then back at the soup.

“Feed me!” he pouted. I tched and dumped the tray on his leg. “You are Sick, not Lame Minhyuk

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