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¶26. Feelings And Chips!

Moonbin's POV

I did mess up. I messed up real bad. Truthfully, I admit, I made a big mistake by being indecisive. I guess I didn't realize that a time was going to come where my feelings for Joonyi was going to end. But I want to stop this drama, I like-no wait, I love Anna.

There, I admitted it.

But she's not here for me to tell it to. I did bad right? Well it doesn't matter cause she wants nothing to do with me no more. Ugh! I'm such a big idiot.

"Bin~" Joonyi cooed.


She sat beside me, running her hands through her jacket. "Do you still love me?"

I bit my tongue. I didn't right? I didn't love her. "No"

"Why? Why does it have to be Anna?"

I shrugged, getting up from the bench. "I can't explain it either. You should go back home, it's 10pm. Its late"

"Moonbin" she got up and grabbed my arms too. "I love you and I know you love me too, so let's stay together. Let's leave this place, go find our own home. Please, hold unto my hand and call me yours"

"It's far too late for that now, you should accepted me when you had the chance. Min Joonyi, I'm sorry but I can never be yours Anymore"

"Bin please!" she pleaded, tears falling from her eyes. I wish I could too but I can't.

"My heart wants Someone, true but Joonyi it's not you"

I left the park, heading for my bike thinking.. This was happening again. I fell for Joonyi in the past and I got rejected, now I'm falling for someone else who just practically doesn't want to see my face.

I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to see my own face too.


Anna's POV

"Did he call?"

I shook my head. No. Since he left, he's never called. He didn't pick up my calls. He didn't reply my messages either.

"That brother of yours is just too stubborn" Omma claimed as I shot her a glare. "You are the stubborn one Omma! Why did you have to always invite him to our home? You knew how Oppa felt about him and you still always let him into our house. Look, I know you love but the truth is that you are his past now and he has a present Wife! Because of you pushed Seungcheol too much, he left. You are at fault Omma. You're the stubborn one!"

She raised her hand with it landing on my face as tears started to drop. "You! Do you know what it feels like to love someone? Do you?! Do you know the pain of letting someone go?! Do you have any idea how much It hurts?" she screamed to my face.

Scoffing, I picked up my shoes. "The Pain of letting someone go Hurts but its bareable" after all, I let Bin go and even though it hurts me so bad, I'll keep bearing it.



The Park.


Is it a terrible thing...?

Bora Left.

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