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[Many Apologies for the late update]

¶17. Raindrops.

Minhyuk's POV

I placed the large plate of pizza infront her and left to grab a can of drink when I ran into....eunwoo? What was he doing here?

"Uh...Eunwoo? What are you doing here?"

Eunwoo shrugged with his gaze circling the eatery before landing at a table were a brunette dressed in what looked like a cream and gold dress sat at.

"Lemme guess.. You're on a blind date again aren't you?"

Nodding with a smile, Eunwoo grabbed the can of drink from Him and opened it. "She's pretty.. Right?"

Taking a quick glance at her, I shrugged. "...well, she's okay...BUT Hyung, this is the third girl this week you're seeing and its not even Wednesday yet.."

"can't blame me for being a Lady's man can you?"

Lady's man my flat butt! "you do know Mrs Lee will choose your wife for you right?"

"which is why I'm searching for a girl that would fit my taste and also hers"

Okay.. For a second year college student, he was insanely immature. "you are never going to find that type of girl. Your mother wants a girl who isn't rich, not pretty and an extreme introvert while you want the opposite... How is that even possible?"

Handing me my can back, he said; "I don't care Minhyuk, I'm going to find her or who knows she might just walk into my life.." winking, he trodded off to his table leaving me to stare at the can in my grip. It was empty. I'm not a pessimist but I say this with all negativity.

He's NEVER going to find her.


"This is my favourite place now"

Her face lit up as she spoke. "Yeah..its my too..Its totally my style" she sent me a small nod as our table turned Quiet. There were a lot of things I wanted to ask her but knowing Anna she won't want to ever talk about it. She was going to lie me off if I did ask. Like for instance, why did she kiss me? You thought I forget? Well, I didn't. She just has a lot going on with her right now, bringing that up will not be a good idea, so I'm just going to be cliché and think she likes me.

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now