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¶10. Alone.

Anna's POV

Playing with The cover to my pen. I stared out the window of my room, still trying to think about what Jessica had said. She said some pretty deep things but it didn't mean they were all true and it also didn't mean they were all false either.

››››› Flashback ›››››

She sent me the 'are you sure you're okay?' look mixed with confusion. I nodded affirmatively before taking a seat in front of her. She followed, doing the same.

"What's this about..?" she shrugged, obviously annoyed. I wasn't going to waste her time..I.e if she provides me with the answers I need, we can finish this quite early. No biggie.

"You dated Bin right..?"

"Why are you asking when you know? Or Do I have to Staple it to my forehead now..?" she snickered, looking down at her nicely polished nails.

"Would it kill you to just say Yes..?"

She shrugged, not sparing me a glance. Keep calm Anna, we have to Get something out of her today. I told myself. Now to the basic point.

"Jessica...Do you perhaps know Joonyi..?"

She froze. She didn't move for some minutes and when she did, it was to look up to me with fear in her eyes. WTF..? What did I get myself into?

"I-I H-have to go" she got up but I stopped her from leaving by grabbing her right hand. Her eyeballs scanned the cafeteria for a while before finally resting on me.

"Let me go A-Anna"

I didn't. "I won't. Not until you tell me what's going on with you!"

"I-I c-cant! D-don't try to find out either.. "

Why? Was there something she knew? From the way she looked scared, it had to be something big. "Look Jessica... I need to know what this Psycho wants. She's been threatening me for a while now saying I should stay away from Bin."

Sighing, she pressed her eyelids together. She had stopped struggling with me and started to Speak softly. "Apparently she likes Bin a lot... " of course I knew that. "....Look, Anna I know you're probably wondering why she didn't threaten me but the truth is, She asked me to Be his girlfriend.. "

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