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[This chapter was a little hard to write]

¶25. Waited for too Long.

Minhyuk's POV


I greeted. She turned to me with a forced smile. I knew the reason for that. It would probably be about Seungcheol again. "Anna, you okay?"

She nodded. Suddenly, I saw her stare in Bin's direction. The Stare didn't last for long, since Bin got up immediately he saw Joonyi coming closer. Speaking of which, Moonbin had been acting weird since the beginning of this week. He refused to hang out with us, refused to talk me and refused to talk to Anna. Did I miss something important? He was avoiding basically everyone. He went home early and didn't pick our calls.

"I'll Be in the bathroom" Anna said, leaving while I watched her go.

And weren't Anna and Him supposed to be dating..? Sanha rushed over to me and placed his phone on the table. "What's going on?"

"This" he pointed to the mid term results, he had on his phone. "So..?" I raised a brow.

"You are the third highest In English and Biology Hyung" Sanha spazzed. I rolled my eyeballs. Tch! He should have believed me when I said I could do it. I wasn't that dumb. I just chose to not be brilliant because of My family. They won't care anyway so..

"Hyung, we should definitely celebrate this, let's go rent out a restaurant your treat"' I scoffed, eyeing the sly maknae. "Shouldn't you be the one paying Sanha? after all you're the one congratulating me"

"Really?" he pouted. I nodded. "Then we should just order Pizza and chill. I'll sleep over at your place, we can get Hyung to chill with us too" he said, referring to Moonbin. I wasn't sure? I didn't think he would chill with us. Truth be told, I missed Bin. We hadn't hung out in a while and I could partly say it was because of Anna.

This was the first time in many years, we fought about a girl because Moonbin had an eye on only one girl and that was Joonyi while Me? I practically dated any non-clingy girl that liked me. Sighing, I turned to Sanha.

"I don't think Bin has time for us anymore"

"I know. It's because Of Joonyi right?"

Actually no. He continued. "I hate her Hyung, and if I could get rid of her without committing a crime, I would willingly do so. She's too Evil Hyung"

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