•28• winter special

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¶28. Christmas Bombshell.

Moonbin's POV

  “Stop!”  I yelled as she stared at me through the shades she had on. She signalled a why are we stopping look to me. I ran across to a little girl holding a puppy. It reminded me of my dog. It was Golden brown and fluffy. It reminded me so much of BinJu.

“Oppa~” the little girl called as I ran my hands through the dog's fluffy body. “Do you want the dog?”

But we just met. How can she possible give me this dog? Its her dog for Pete's sake. “why? Do you want to give it me?”

She nodded,handling the leash over to me. “I was on my way to the pet house to drop Gook off anyway. My family's traveling and I'm going to a boarding school, I know my siblings won't take care of them well, so I was going to drop him Off at A Pet house”

I ran my hands lovingly across its body. “How do you know I won't maltreat your dog? You don't know me afterall”

“True but I can tell you're a dog lover cause it takes a lot of courage for any Man to Let go of his Girlfriend and go play with some random dog”

She giggled.

Oh Shoot. I turned to see Anna glaring at me through the shades she wore. I quickly hugged the little girl and brought the dog with me.

“..Uhm, I-”

“Save it” she crouched to the dog's level. “you're so Lucky moonbin that he's cute. What's its name?”

“Gook” I answered. She smiled as she started to pet him. “His features reminds me of someone”

“who?” I asked, crouching down to her position.

“Yoon Sanha”


“No way! Ice cream's better than M&M cookies!” she argued.

“That's totally insane. Cookies will forever top ice cream. You don't see Old people taking ice cream do you?” I snorted, picking up my M&M cookies. 

“Old people take ice cream. You just don't know it. My mom takes ice cream!”

I arched a brow as I stared at her. She did realise that she called her mom old right? She furrowed her eyebrows when her mom entered with the huge brown Turkey and Jinwoo with some dishes. We had decided to celebrate Christmas at her House since Mine was lonely anyway and with Seungcheol gone, it would be a bad idea to leave Miss Choi all on her own on Christmas.

  “Quick question-” Anna began, this time giving me a quick glance before turning to the others. Please tell me she doesn't want to ask what I think she wants to ask.

“Ice cream or M&M”

I Fudging knew it. Couldn't she let it go? It wasn't like M&M would give her A million won if she won this debate.

“Ice Cream” Jinwoo, Eunwoo and Minhyuk chorused while M.J and Miss Choi voted M&M.

Sanha went for both. He looked less concerned. His attention was on the food we were about to eat.

  “See Ice cream wins!” she mentioned, sticking her tongue out. I chuckled, bringing her face closer to me. She gulped a bit as I placed a lingering kiss on her lips. She pouted, hitting me playfully with her spoon.

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now