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23. Literal Breaking News!

Sanha's POV (My baby has his POV)


Moonbin Hyung shook from the noise and stared at me, with the normal glare of course. "Sanha? What are you doing here?

"The door was opened. Let's leave that and have coffee okay?"

Confused, he examined me from top to bottom. I know, I know. He was probably wondering if I was okay or not. Bin Hyung, I'm definitely not crazy. "Yoon Sanha ~ aren't you too young to be taking coffee?"

"I dunno" I shrugged. "Depends on how young you think I am. Hyung, my body might be young but my Heart's matured. So, let's have that coffee" He sat up, turning off his phone to address me well.

"Are you saying.. " he paused dramatically. "..you came to my Home to drink coffee?"

"Hm-Hm" I replied, taking out two mugs from his drawer. Scanning both mugs, I tched. Let's teach Bin Hyung a life lesson you inanimate objects. Hwaiting!. I placed the both of them in front of him and made Instant coffee. He just watched me in awe, waiting for A miracle to actually happen. After staring, I handed him the Mug. He collected it, only to be covered in leaking hot coffee.

"Aish, Sanha why didn't you check the mug?"

"Why do I need to? I assume everything in this home's in order since you're a neat freak." I retorted, handing him a box of tissues to clean himself up. "Just throw out the Mug,you don't need it anyway. Its useless"

"I can't" he picked up the now empty Mug. "My parents and I made it at Mug class, it adds so much sentimental value to my life"

Sentimental value, my Heart. I scoffed, internally.

"Its causing you pain, just let it go" I pushed towards him, a completely fresh Mug. "You should use this, its good and reliable.. Uh?"

Started With A Kiss[An Astro Fan fiction] ✔Where stories live. Discover now