Chapter 2

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"Alright Dakota, what about a color change?" The lady asked, tossing my hair in her fingers. My eyes grew wide, I couldn't imagine myself with any other hair color.

"Uh, I'm ok thanks" I said, she giggled and Katlin came over with a magazine in hand.

"What about this, it's really cute and it will look fantastic on you!" She said, shoving the picture of a short haired model.

It was the long in the front and short in the back, it was the sassy kind of look. And I kind of liked it.

"Yeah I like this one" I spoke, the hairdresser behind me sighed

"Finally. Alright, now I don't think you need high lights or anything. Your roots are a natural blonde highlight so I think we're good." She said, spinning my chair around so I was facing the mirror. We just washed my hair, so it was damp and it flowed to my chest.

I'm gonna miss having my long hair, but I know it's time for a change. A new me, I need a new life started.

After a few hours of cutting and blow drying my hair, I felt the cape being lifted off of my shoulders.

"Alright, I believe we're done here" she said, she turned me around so I could face the mirror yet again.

I couldn't believe the person starring back at me, she looked so new, so unique, so....different.

But I think I like different.

Yeah, different's good.

"OH MY GOSH YOU LOOK SO SEXY" Katlin yelled over excited behind me, I chuckled and put my new bangs back with the edges of my fingertips.

"It's really nice, thank you" I said, politely to Margret.

"No problem dear" she said, I paid her and we went over to the ice cream shop next door afterwards. It was very familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Ok so I'm getting the chocolate Sunday. What about you?" Katlin said, eyeing the menu. I sighed, "coffee on a cake cone"

I always get that, I remember when Niall and I went to an ice cream shop after the xfactor performance last year, we ordered the same thing. Some lady thought we were a couple and-

"Hey, what can I get ya gals?" The lady asked in her familiar thick country accent.

oh my god it's her.

"Wait, I've seen you here before. Like November huh? Oh! You were with your boyfriend too, or wait he wasn't your boyfriend." She said, confused. I forced a smile.

"Uh yeah, how's business been." I asked, remembering last time how there was basically no one.

"It's coming along, oh and my daughter is still crazy about that Zayde kid!" She said, I laughed

(if you guys are confused this is in chapter 13 of the last book)

and took my ice cream.

"That'll be $8.35" she said, I pulled out my card and she swiped it and gave it back.

"Alright, you too have fun. Tell Neil I say hi" I bit my lip. I couldn't decide wether to laugh or cry. First of all she called him Neil, he hates it when people say that.

Second of all, I miss Niall so much. And to reminded of him in a time like this, it just hurts.

"So uh, why don't we go home. We've had a big day" Katlin said changing the subject, I nodded and took a bite of my ice cream.

Once we got home my phone began to ring, I looked at the caller ID and it said May. I hurriedly picked up the phone

"Hello?" I spoke, I heard a chuckle

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