Chapter 9

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No one followed as close behind the security guards as I did. We exited the small terminal, the cloudy weather now coming into view. I'll admit, I missed this. A lot.

"Aren't you excited!? This is going to be so fun!" Rose squealed, I nodded and pulled my bag behind me.

"When can we visit May" I asked, that was really the only thing that had been on my mind this whole time. Harry smiled and took his phone out, "I'll give them a call" he said, I nodded and continued walking down the hall. As I heard the screams become louder, I put my hood over myself along with my sunglasses.

"Good idea" Rose said, pulling me into her and we walked out into London with Harry in front of us.

Just imagine how many people would be yelling death threats if they saw me walking with Harry, let alone any member of one direction.

We entered the black car and I quickly pulled out my phone and turned it on. I really need to call Anna.

"Paul, We're going to Louis and May's house" harry said to Paul, who was driving the vehicle. I smiled a bit and ran my hand through my blonde hair, hoping we would get there soon enough.

It felt weird walking up the steps to this house, I'd never been here before but I recognized the cars in the driveway.

I'll admit, I was shaking a bit. I hadn't see my best friend in a little over a year, and I still have yet to meet Sammy, which I'm really excited about.

"DAKOTA!" Louis yelled, pulling me into him. I giggled and stared wide eyed at the baby in his hands. He smiled softly and gave me a nod, bringing his arms out as I took Samantha into my arms. I hugged her close to my chest and cradled her soft skin. She giggled and played with my necklace around my neck, my eyes went wide and I noticed Louis eyeing the necklace confusingly. I took it from her hands and tucked in under my shirt earning a soft chuckle from Louis.

He knew I still had been attached to anything Niall gave me.

"How are you?" he asked, I smiled and shrugged, "Eh alright I guess" I replied, he chuckled and took a look up the stairs, hearing stomps and groans of annoyedness coming from upstairs. I turned back around so my back was to the step, looking at Louis confused. He smiled, "It's her time of the month, sadly" I shook my head and smiled but was interrupted by yelling.

"WHO IS HOLDING MY CHILD?!" I recognized the voice to belong to my best friend. "MAY!!" I yelled, pulling her into a hug, "Dakota oh my god I missed you so much I swear I'm going to kill you! YOU SCARED ME SO MUCH ITS THE HAIR, WHY DID YOU-"

"Shut up" I giggled, slamming a hand over her mouth. She smiled, "What I'm trying to say is, I missed you a lot" she said, tears forming in her eyes. I smiled and felt a lump form in my throat, but held back my emotions trying to stay strong.

I felt like I had something to prove on this trip, I can't let anyone step over me, or let the words get to me. Like last time...


"Kota, can you grabs the plates from the cupboard above you?" Louis asked, carrying the salad bowl to the dining room. I nodded and opened the cupboard, taking as many plates for the guests coming tonight.









I grabbed all 8 plates, but an extra for me, and made my way to the dining room where everyone was. Small whispers caught me to stop in the doorway, I heard my name being spoke, so I decided to listen in.

"But I feel bad we didn't invite him." Zayn whispered, looking to Louis. Louis shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I don't want to put too much on Dakota on her first night back." Right then I knew exactly who they were referring to, you'd be an idiot if you didn't have enough common sense for that.

"I told him Dani and I were going on a date, he invited me out tonight" Liam said, Harry sighed, "He has to stop going to the clubs"

He's been going to the clubs? That means girls... That means drinking, which means if they combine together


I rushed into the room, not being able to contain the conversation anymore.

"Shall we begin?" I said, taking my napkin and placing it on my lap as I took a chair next to Dani.

"So, the hair?" Louis asked, taking a bite of the steak he had grilled outback. I blushed and looked down at my food, ruffling my hair a bit. "Too much?" I asked, Perrie smiled "I actually love it, it's just above your shoulders and it looks great with your hair color." she spoke, Dani laughed "You look damn sexy too" I coursed my laugh along with hers and the rest of the night resumed with chatter about how my life was back in LA as well as their lives here.

But the only thing that caught me was the guilt I had moving through my veins the whole night.

They picked me over Niall.

And it hurt.


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