chapter 12

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I tossed and turned in the queen size bed I've been calling mine for the past couple days, my legs becoming weak as they got caught up in the sheets. I sighed and sat up, making an effort at 3 in the fucking morning to disentangle my feet from the creme colored sheets for the 4th time in the last hour.

I was stressed.

Stressed about my life, stressed about how I look, stressed about my old habits, I was just


Also a noise from down the hall had been annoying me for the past 10 minutes but I don't know exactly what it was.


What was the cause? None other than Niall Horan, the events taken place yesterday caused me to reach the wrong signals of our...erm...relationship? Friendship?

I don't know what to call it exactly.

Since we're on speaking terms now, I guess he is my acquaintance.

Yeah that's it, we're acquaintances. The meaning coming perfectly to our situation, barley meeting just sharing a hello. Yet it wasn't even close.

We knew each other so well, just awkward to admit it. Or well speak it for that matter, like if someone asked how I take my tea for example. I like my tea no sugar, plain is all.(call me disgusting) Niall knows well enough just that. If he answers for me, telling them the right answer, we'd get caught in a bad situation.

They'd think we're going out.

This all makes sense now, when Niall and I weren't a couple, not even close to such, we knew each other so well. That caused people to get the wrong signals of our actual relationship, assuming we were an item. Realizing that, I'm choosing to keep quite a distance from Niall, but stay close. Not to talk about him too much, maybe if someone spoke his name I would say a few words, but never bring him up on my own.

But it is extremely hard to do such a thing when a person is one your mind for hours, day in and day out. Wondering what he's up to, if he had a good day, if he had been thinking of me as well. Because I genially cared for Niall Horan, but I can't just dive into our relationship too fast. I had been hurt last time and I am now stronger than before.

The noise still hadn't stopped, so I decided to investigate. What if there is a robber? I sighed and untangled my feet once again, for now the 5th time this night, and touched my cold feet to the hardwood flooring.

Making my way down the hall, the noise became louder and louder as I came closer to Rose and Harry's bedroom. It sounded as if someone was trying to beak open a window or a door, soft creaking noises coming from the-

And then I heard it, making my eyes go wide and I slowly backed away from the door. I was terrified, no scarred for life.


I fastened my pace to my room, covering my ears and slamming down on the bed shutting my eyes closed like 1000 bricks weighed them down.

The bad image was forced into my mind of Rose and Harry doing.... 'it'.


Yawning, I made my way into the kitchen, catching Rose sitting on the stool drinking her morning tea. I shuddered at the thought of last night, but smirked as I decided to tease her.

"Had fun last night?" I asked, she jumped, not taking notice I had came in. As she turned around her eyes were wide, "I-if uh, you call sleeping fun?" she said, I giggled and shook my head. "Yeah....sleeping, ok Rose" I patted her back and went over to the fridge and heard her sigh, "Did you hear us or something?" she seemed awkward, so I laughed again.

"Enough to be scarred for life, I thought someone was trying to break into your room. Then I realized it was the bed creaking..."

"SHUTUP!" she giggled, slapping my arm. I smiled and shook my head, tuning a hand through my hair.

"What time do we pick Calum and Luna up today?" I asked, finally deciding on eating some grapes from the fridge. I took some from the bag and placed them in a bowl, washing them and plopped one of the green fruits in my mouth.

"12:30 I think, oh and I heard Ashton is coming too." I looked at her confused, "He's in his band too right?" I asked, eating another grape. She nodded, "The one that looks like Peter Pan" she giggled, I nodded.

I never really payed attention to 5 Seconds of Summer, just Calum. I mean he's the only one I've ever talked to in that group, plus he's Luna's boyfriend.

I felt my back pocket buzz and I pulled it out, looking at the I.D.

Anna, it read. I smiled and answered the call, "Hey Anna!" I said. "Hi Dakotaaa! How are you?" she asked, I exited the kitchen and went upstairs before answering her.

"Well, I talked to Niall yesterday,believe it or not.." I heard a gasp, "You didn't!" she said surprised, I giggled. "Indeed I did" I replied back, taking a seat on my bed. The white comforter feeling fluffy.

"Did you talk about the relationship?" I sighed and corrected her, telling her everything that happened between me and Niall two days ago.

I love how she completely understood everything going on, and I was sad to hear she had to go before giving me her advice.

I hung up the phone, and looked at the time. 11:50 it read, and just as I thought, Harry knocked on my door saying we had to leave for the airport.


"ROSE! DAKOTA! MAY!" I heard a feminine voice yell, turning around I saw the familiar brown hair that belonged to Luna. I smiled and ran over to her, being second to give her a hug, May beating me to it. How does that even happen, she had a human in her body for such a long time yet she can still run a mile.

This girl.

"Luna I missed you so much!" I giggled as she pulled me into a tight hug, but heard a grunt behind me. "wow ok, no one missed me that's cool I guess" I heard an Australian accent speak, turning around I took note that it was indeed Calum, and he held a playful pout on his face. I chuckled and went in to hug him, but was pushed away by Liam who tackled him in a hug. I rolled my eyes, and turned back around but stumbled back a bit seeing as a Peter Pan look a like was right in my face.

"Um hi" I said awkwardly, moving away from him. Niall laughed next to him, sending chills down my back as usual.

"Uh Dakota, this is um Ashton" He said, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. I bit my lip, seeing him all awkward was so cute, and not to mention he was blushing.


Yeah, I was a bit afraid to introduce Ashton and Dakota. And now I regret my decision, I saw how she was biting her lip, blushing. It angered me, I remember when Ashton saw a picture of her last year on my phone, she said she was fit. I never told him I liked her, or about how we went out. He follows up with the One Direction fandom, he should know where we stand. He should also know not to make a move on her, but I guess he broke that rule just now.

"Oh I know who you are, you are very beautiful." He said, winking, turning on his charm. I was glad to see Dakota a bit uncomfortable with this, she looked at him like he was a weirdo. I caught her glance and she raised her eyebrows at me.

This may just seem like a simple gesture, but it gave me butterflies in my usual.


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