chapter 21

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The words played through my head like a broken record, even I was astonished that the sentence had left her mouth. We had only been together for a couple days, now the questions are starting to come up.

Did we do the right thing?

Of course we fucking did.

"Dakota, what do you mean?" I whispered, moving close to her and wrapping my arms around her upper torso.

She shook her head and sighed,

"I don't know, I just think-" she paused and her tone made me uneasy.

'Does she want to break up?' Was the first thing to pop into my head, now

I was far too nervous to let her finish.

I led her over to the couch, taking a seat next to her and bringing her hand into mine.

"You know everyone is happy for us

and," she looked away seeming agitated by the thought, heck I was too but I won't show it. I'm still shocked by why the hell she would bring this up.

"Don't you think that's weird." she rushed out, finally. It made me confused that this was the cause for what she said, it's not the least bit weird that they're happy for us, heck I love that they're happy for us.

But then I thought from Dakotas eyes, and how she looked at the situation. It made me realize that she wasn't used to this, every person that had a liking to me always sent her death threats saying they hate our relationship. Now they just took a sharp, confusing turn in thought.

"Well I mean I guess, they never really liked us together." I said, catching on to what she was saying. She looked at me with something in her eyes that I couldn't make out, but then she continued.

"Exactly my point, so I feel like maybe we...I don't know. It seems like we're giving into them?" the words came out more like a question, but either way they made my heart rate pick up. So she does want to break up.

After all this, the trying, the neglecting of my time for her, everything I did to make sure we finally got back together...ruined, because of one simple thought.

But I won't let this slide.

"Dakota," I said harshly, "you need to stop letting them control your life." she looked at me with a pleading look.

"That's what I thought but-" I cut off her remark, not going to let the bullshit come out of her system.

"No Dakota, it isn't, you-"

"No Niall, by doing this, I'm giving in. It's what they want, so I can't be doing what they want!" she argued back, now becoming irritated. That confused me on a different level, she clearly wasn't opening her eyes to this situation.

"What about what you want, eh?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

She was quiet for a moment, and that set me in a hesitant state, but the same question kept running through my head. So I decided to let my guard down,

"Do you not love me anymore?" I asked, sure it was dramatic and all, but I was just curious. Then, the signs she was sending was telling me otherwise.

"What? Of course I do!" she exaggerated, that giving me a sense of thankfulness but I still wasn't done.

"Well sure in hell doesn't sound like it!" I countered, standing up from the couch but my wrist was pulled back by Dakota.

"Niall that's not what I mean, I'm giving into the fans by going out wit-"

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