Chapter 5

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"Dear Niall,

I had a pretty ruff day today. If I were you I would stop reading at that sentence because I don't exactly think you're ready to listen."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, picking at the paper. Maybe I shouldn't read these letters, what if she's right? She may be going through a tuff time, but she could've asked for someone else to talk to. Like a therapist or friend,

But she picked me.

"First I went to the mall. I saw a friend and she told me how much she missed me and how we should hang out.

Throughout the day, I was all smiles, until I went to the Adidas store.

I was buying cleats then I saw my face on the poster right behind the cashier, just seeing that almost brought me to tears. Luckily the guy, let alone no one noticed. So I continued with my day.

Then I went to get some food, I rolled my ankle and this....stranger, with a really nice face (A close second to yours)"

I smiled and chuckled a bit, relief coming through me as she mentioned I was hotter than this guy she met on the street.

My eyes grew wide at the thought of the situation.

A guy she met on the street.

I knew it wasn't good for her there, that 'guy' could've rapped her! She needs to come back home and be safe with me...and the lads...but mostly me! I want to take care of her and just love her to bits, but something is holding her back from coming to her true home.

"He asked if I was alright and I said I was, I walked into the restaurant and sat next to some girls. One asked me if my name was Dakota. I hesitated at first.

I mean for one, she could've hated my guts like any other fan you have. I mean come on, when was the last time you found someone that liked me for me"

I thought about it for a minute, she knew that I would feel this way and in the other letter say that people actually do like her. But now that I actually put thought into it, ever since she went out with me people started hating her for some reason. Jealousy is a bitch at times.

"So I said no and just what I expected, the girl started talking about how much she hated 'me'. I was on the verge of tears by her hateful comments, until her friend stood up for me, or 'Dakota' I guess.

She said that Dakota's a person too and that she should be treated as the person she is. That I'm not just famous for going out with THE Niall Horan let alone being friends with one direction. I'll admit, it felt good to know there was at least one person that would respect me for who I truly am but it still hurt to know not everyone thinks the same..

Well on a good note I start college back up again, it's a weird thing. Like I do it for 2 weeks then I'm off for a month and I start up again, I really think I'm going to like the classes I'm taking though. I decided on taking an interior design course, but I'll also be playing in a soccer league." I was glad to read that sentence, I really thought she would give it up because of the whole Manchester United thing. Then again that's really stupid of me to think she would quit soccer, it's like her life.

"Well I think that's enough to write on this paper today...

I'm looking forward to your next letter Ni :)


I sighed as I saw she didn't put love, yeah it hurt but I know she is just afraid. It makes total sense, I would be afraid too.

Afraid of falling in love with me again..


Sorry for this short chapter.






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