Chapter 7

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It's been a hard couple of months here in California, I decided on not living in my dorm but going back to my dads house. I still go to school and all but I'm just glad that's ending in a couple months.

Ok maybe I left because of my psychotic roommate.

Yeah I did ok.

Waking up to the sound of birds chirping, as usual and I made my way downstairs to the living room.

"Dakota, I'm off to work!" My dad called from the kitchen, "Oh and Rose called. I told her I'd tell you to call her as soon as you wake up. So call her." He finished, chuckling.

"Alright, bye daddy" I said, he came over and kissed me on my forehead before going out the door.

Today was Monday, and most people hate them. Except me, I do everything on Mondays, its like an organized day for me. I have everything planned out, but first I have to call Rose back. I grabbed my cell and dialed the familiar number, but I was disconnected and it went straight to voicemail. Well if she wanted me to call her back, she should pick up the phone or at lest turn on her phone.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my white cutoff t-shirt and some blue shorts, along with some white vans and I went back down stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and my Gym bag, and made my way outside to the car.

Once I reached the local Gym, and changed into my workout clothing, I immediately went over to the Treadmill, it's usually taken fast but no one was in here today strangely enough.

I began my run, but thought about what Rose wanted to talk about. Is something wrong? Is it May? Maybe she's having problems with Harry...what if it's about Niall? What if he got in an accident?! He may be in the hospital!

Gosh Dakota, stop. He's completely cut out of your life now.

I haven't written Niall since his last letter...about a month ago. I just feel like I shouldn't tell him how my life has turned into complete shit since I moved back here.

I decided to get my mind off of Niall as I turned the TV on I front of me, but it soon answered my question.

"Today we spotted, Harry Styles in LAX. But he wasn't alone, he brought his girlfriend of 2 years along. They're probably taking a vacation away from all the coldness of-" I shut off the TV and slowed down the treadmill, running over to my bag I took out my phone and saw a missed call from Rose. So, I called her back

"Hello? Dakota?" She said

"Hey, so I had to hear from the news you're on my turf now, huh?" I asked, standing up and gathering my things. Well if she's in California I better go see her, I miss her so much!

"Yep, hey can you open the door. Haz and I have been out here waiting for like 30 minutes." She spoke, wow she's at my house. Alright.

"I'm at the Gym, stupid" I said, getting my things settled and walking out to the car. I placed my bag in the back and went to the drivers side, one thing I never get used to is going to the left side of the car. I always go to the right, stupid England.

"Well hurry home, it's really hot out hereeeeeeee!" Harry whined into the phone.

"Harry! I missed you!" I said, "Missed youuuu toooo!" He replied back. I hung up the phone and started up the car, driving back to the house.


"So you're saying, you want me to come back to London with you?" I asked, still confused by their arrival. Ever since I got home, we had this huge discussion on their visit but soon told me why they actually came here in the first place.

"Dakota we all miss you" Harry spoke in a hushed tone, I sighed and looked down at my tea in my hands, "I wouldn't want me back if I were in your situation" I mumbled, placing my finger on the rim of the cup and moving it around in a circle softly.

"Oh don't be like that, you know we all love you. Please come back home" Rose said, sighing I looked up and saw them both looking at me with pleading eyes.

Would it actually be that bad if I went? I mean, if Niall-

You know what. Why am I always thinking about the consequences of Niall? Why can't I do this for me, I should do this for me.

But, if I did do this for me, I'd have to see Niall everyday.

"I- I don't know" I continued, "I really don't think I'm ready to get back to all of this. Trust me, I really wanna go but I-"

"Why don't you just come for Christmas" Harry cut me off, I gave him a confused look.

"What he's trying to say is, why don't you just come for Christmas and if you decide you can't handle it....then come move back here." Rose said, taking off her jacket. I sighed and lowered my head into my hands.

"And you can stay with me and Rose, we have that extra bedroom. Even if you decide to stay in England, you can live with us!" Harry spoke with enthusiasm, Living with him and Rose? Well...

"C-can I have time to think about this?" I asked, Harry nodded and slung an arm around Rose.

"Plus, Luna and Calum are visiting in on Christmas as well" my head shot up at the mention of the two names. I haven't seen Luna in years, we met back in her home Australia where she lives with her boyfriend. She also knows the situation I'm going through seeing as her boyfriend is Calum Hood.

If you haven't heard of him, you obviously don't have a thing for boybands.

"Really?!" I asked, now looking at my choices more wisely. She nodded and I bit my lip, fiddling with my fingers.

Do it for Niall....

No. Do it for your friends, you gotta see the girls and especially Louis and May's baby.

I sighed and looked down at my thighs, picking at my scabs before swallowing in order to speak from my dried mouth.

"I'll go with you"

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