Chapter 8

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Packing my suitcase is always the worst feeling in the world.

Every time I did this, there was always the familiar sense of guilty flowing through me. I feel like I just can't stay in one place for too long, I have too much going on that I can't take the new place I go to so I move on to another and start new.

I'm weak.

But this time I didn't know if I wanted to leave or not, it wasn't my intension to leave so quick. More of a force from my friends, I've told my dad the news and he wasn't too thrilled about it at first, but Katlin insisted that it was apart of me growing up.

So at the moment I was zipping up my suitcase, placing the last items in. I looked around my room and saw the emptiness start to envelope inside, but was cut off by my computer making obnoxious noises, I noticed I was getting a skype call. I quickly excepted not looking at the ID.

"Uhm Hi Dakota" my eyes went wide and I looked back at the screen.

"Zayn?" I asked confused, why is he calling me? This is awkward.

"Woah! You cut your hair!" He quickly changed the subject, I rolled my eyes and picked up my suit case putting it back on the bed.

"Zayn" I said sternly, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well uh, I kinda need your opinion on something. I don't really know who else to talk to about this and we're really close...well I hope we still are. And whatever happened between you and Niall I hope will never affect our friendship in anyway but I just really need help" He rushed out, very paranoid by what exactly was bothering him.

See this is why I love Zayn, he is really one of my best friends and I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Zayn you're like my brother ok, now tell me what happened" I said, finally taking a seat on my desk chair and giving full attention.

"Well, I-uh. I just, well I really want to take things more serious in my relationship with Perrie." he said shakily, I gave him a confused look. They're already going out, they say I love you all the time, what else is more serious than that?

"What do you mean, you guys are already a couple?" I spoke, he but his lip and said nothing. I raised my eyebrows for him to continue, he let out a breath and dug something out of his trouser pocket.

"Well I'll have you know, you're the first person to actually know about this and actually see-" right when he pulled out the diamond I screamed


"Dakota quite down I have people over!" zayn scolded, I nodded and put my hand over my mouth acting as if I put a lid over my excitement.

"So this is why I called you, how do I ask her?" he asked, spinning the ring with his index fingers.

"Well, hmm. Good question" I said, I thought for a moment. What would Perrie like for a proposal? She likes kid stuff, I know that. She is very fashionable, she likes the beach. But beaches suck in Britain to be honest, hmm.

"OH MY GOD TAKE HER TO DISNEYLAND!" I screamed again, he didn't seem to care because my idea was flipping amazing. His eyes grew wide with a glow and he nodded excitedly, "They just opened one here too! That's great thank you so mu-"

"Take who to DisneyLand?" Another voice was heard, I recognized the accent but not the one who stepped forward.

"Dakota?" Liam said in a gasp, I stared straight at him still taking notice if his appearance.

"What did you do with your hair?" I asked, seeing the buzz cut that basically looked like he had been bald.

"I could ask you the same thing.." he said, I smiled and ran a hand through my bangs. he chuckled and sat down next to Zayn, Zayn quickly took the engagement box from the table without him noticing and shoved it in his pocket.

"So how are you?" Liam asked, I but my lip and looked down. Fiddling with my fingers, I made no effort to look up as I answered his question.

"Things could be better..." I said with a sigh, he nodded with a frown. "Well I hear you're coming for Christmas!" He said excitedly, my eyes grew wide and I stared at him with a confused look.

"How did you-"

"Rose called May and May told Louis who told everyone." my heart stopped at the mention of 'everyone', he must've told Niall. They probably booked Niall a flight to somewhere not there when I visi-

"Well not EVERYONE..." Zayn spoke, I looked up and noticed he had a smile plaster on his face.

"So did he, um. Did he tell..him?" I asked, Liam chuckled and Zayn joined in.

"No Dakota, we didn't tell Niall" Zayn said, I sighed in relief and ran a hand through my short hair.

"You look very different, Dakota" Liam said, raising an eyebrow

"Now do I?" I asked, smiling at them. Liam nodded, "Different looks great on you" he smiled, I laughed and looked at the clock on my wall.

"Well it's getting late here, I'll see you guys tomorrow hopefully." I said, they smiled and waved goodbye and My eyes began to droop so I decided on going to sleep.


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