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"Do I take her out for dinner?" Niall asked throwing a ball up and down above him. Harry, scratching his fore arm, shook his head immediately not liking the idea. Niall threw the ball again, catching in each time it fell.

Niall had be stressing out today, him and Dakota haven't gone on a proper date in a little over a year, he needs to make a move, fast.

"Mate, do anything, but you have to make it special." Zayn spoke, the only one experienced on the topic. He and Perrie had finally vowed their marriage just last summer. They're as happy as can be, newly wedded couples are always the greatest.

"You could take her to that new restaurant downtown," Liam said, "that's where I took Dani when I told her I love her. It's nice and private there."

Niall's mind was filled with endless thoughts, most pointing towards his beautiful girlfriend.

"We can really tell you love her, just take her somewhere she likes," Harry shrugged his shoulders, "maybe like a memory you two share together could be like... I don't know, um reenacted?"

Harry always confused most with his words, but there was one thing everyone knew for sure in that sentence;

Niall was in love.

A song tells us that "love is a many-splendored thing." In a humorous way love has been referred to as a supersaturated solution of sentimental slush. It has also been described as an insane desire to squeeze orange juice out of a lemon. Throughout the centuries poems have been written, songs have been sung, mountains have been climbed, and battles have been fought because of love. Even murder and suicide have been committed in the name of love.

Niall would do anything for Dakota, and over the years he's shown it, allowing everyone to see how deeply in love he is with Dakota.

"Dude, take her to the beach or something, May always tells me how much Dakota misses the beach." Louis interrupted, making Niall think.

What else had Dakota missed?

He couldn't let Louis decide the answer, he must come up with it on his own.

Then it hit him, hard might be added in this situation. Literally hitting him, the ball Niall had been throwing up and down this past hour hit him in the face as it slipped from his fingers.

The idea popped into his mind, making him ignore the pain forming on his face.


Dakota's other love, almost beating Niall by an inch. He could take her to the field, her old field, the Manchester United field.

That will sure be a memory.

"I don't know May, is it too tight?" Dakota asked, one of the best friends she had taken to the mall with her today. The others, Perrie, Dani, and Rose, had drifted off into other stores, then they were all going to meet up in an hour at the nail salon.

"You're asking me about too tight? I still have baby weight that I can't get down, do you think I care about too tight?" May spoke, referring to how she had given birth last year, she was still getting through losing the stretch marks and all, but it was all worth it as she could hold her beautiful daughter Samantha whenever she pleased.

"Why do I even have to get a dress?" Dakota groaned, May had received a call from Louis twenty minutes before and he had informed her about the little date that Niall had been planning for Dakota. He wanted it to be kept between them two, a secret.

All families have their secrets, most people would never know them, but they know there are spaces, gaps where the answers should be, where someone should have sat, where someone used to be. A name that is never uttered, or uttered just once and never again. We all have our secrets.

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