chapter 16

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I watched as Ashton kicked the soccer ball off his feet, up and down it went, juggling.

Oh how I missed it.

Ashton asked me to pass with him, but I declined saying my stomach was aching. It really wasn't, I just didn't want to touch a ball. I know it sounds weird, I still love soccer, I just can't think of it so much anymore, after Man U I feel like I disappointed everyone in the league.

Bringing my sandwich up to my mouth, I took a bite of the turkey between the slices of crunchy bread as I watched Ashton struggle with the ball. He would kick it with his toe, and fail terribly at the object defying gravity, causing him to pick it up with his hands and try again, failing each time it went.

"Try your laces" I said, food still in my mouth as I rested my hand on the picnic blanket to balance myself in order to lean back. He looked at me confused, so I pointed to my shoe for reference.

"Kick it with the laces of your feet" I said, he shook his head smiling, then proceeded. As he bounced the ball, he kicked it with his laces making the ball go up straight for him to kick it again nicely. He chuckled, knowing I was right then caught the ball in midair and then laid down on the blanket next to me. Ashton took a stem of the green grapes I had packed for us and started eating them one by one, then looked at me. His eyes held a glint of curiosity for a moment, then he sighed,

"Why did you go to Niall's the other night?" he asked, my stomach dropped at the question. Could he have known? Did Niall tell him? I crooked an eyebrow. "When I invited you to come with me, you said you were going to Niall's." he spoke again, looking anywhere but me. He focused on the scenery as I thought to myself, why did I go to Niall's?

You fucking kissed him Dakota, that's why you went.

I could've easily said no and went out with my boyfriend, that's what I used to do with Niall. But I didn't, I went to Niall.

It's common sense really, I should've went to see the movie; but I didn't do that, I went to Niall's instead and now I feel guilty on that. Yet that night I felt so relaxed, the most stress I had released in a while, just because I went on a rampage by basically raping Niall with my mouth.

Oh dear god, I never thought of it like that.

"Dakota?" he asked, he looked at me with confused eyes and I did the same. Oh right, I never answered the question.

"Well, I told him earlier that I would go," I was surprised I hadn't stuttered,"Then when you called I was already planning to head over to his house" I lied, I totally forgot about Niall's house when he called. It was after I remembered I called him back and explained why I couldn't go, but I actually still could've went.

Niall's wrong, I am fucked up. Seriously fucked up to not go spend time with my boyfriend but to go to my ex instead. But I have to not look at Niall as an ex anymore, he is my friend now.

It's not like we ever broke up though...

I'd like to say he's my best friend, but I don't know if he'd address me as the same.


"Alright, you guys ready?" Rose asked, walking down the stairs putting an earring on her right earlobe. I nodded and held my clutch between both of my hands, Ashton's falling just at the small of my back.

"Alright, I texted Liam and he said he's with Niall and Dani at the bar. Zayn, Perrie, Louis, and May are getting there in an hour. So we're not the late ones this time," Rose gasped, looking at Harry wide eyed, "Since Rose likes to make us, fashionably late." Harry said, walking into the room and kissing Rose on the cheek. She rolled her eyes and pushed him playfully.

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