Chapter 6

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*I'm just skipping to next week bc I'm a rebel, JK I just don't like filler chapters.



"Kota where do you want this box?" My dad asked, holding a medium sized box in his hands. I bit my lip and looked around the small college room before deciding.

"Just put it on the desk, is that the last one?" I asked, typing a message to May informing her I just moved into my dorm.

"Actually Simon has another coming up with him" I smiled and sat on the bed, "well sweetie I have to go, Katlin and I are going out for dinner later. Call me once everything is settled." My dad spoke, kissing me on my forehead and walking over to the door. I heard a soft 'thank you' and my dad say 'no problem' so I looked up and saw a tall girl, brown eyes, standing in front of me holding some boxes, a carry on, and looking down at a piece of paper.

"You must be Dakota?" She said looking up at me, then her gaze shifted back down to the paper in confusion.

"Yeah that's something wrong?" I asked getting up, she looked at me hesitantly before looking over the paper again. "Yeah sorry, just... Uh making sure. You look awfully familiar but I can't recall where from...." I cringed at her words, just when I thought I could get away from this.

You see, this pained me a bit. Knowing that I look 'familiar' set me off edge, what if when she finds out who I am she hates me with all her heart. What if-

"I'm Jade by the way" she said, interrupting me from my thoughts. I smiled and she struggled to bring the rest of her bags through the door, I quickly took a box.

"Here I got it" I spoke, taking one and placing it on the bed. She smiled and replied with a soft 'thank you'.

"Oh my gosh you'll never guess who I ran into downstairs!" She squealed, I chuckled. Well I guess I'm on her good side to know who she saw downstairs, it could've been her ex for all I know.

"Who" I shrugged taking a sip from my Arizona Iced Tea. That's probably one of the biggest things I've missed here. She smiled "Simon Cowell! I asked for a picture and everything but he said no and that he still had to deliver a box to a certain room on our floor! I still can't believe it!" My eyes grew wide. Fuck, she's a directioner. How could I not see it before, now that I have the thought she looks exactly like one.

Seeing as she hasn't recognized me, I decided to play it cool. "I thought he was like really mean in person?" I spoke, laughing to myself knowing Simon is seriously the sweetest god father ever.

"Yeah I did too, but then he was answering my questions and I was seriously like freaking out in front of him and I feel like I was bothering him but I know that it couldn't possibly be me because-" she was cut off by someone opening the door.

"Gosh Dakota Paige, it takes hours to find this damn room! Why did they put you in the back?" Simon said, carrying a box over to me. I placed it on my bed and he smiled to me, giving me a hug still not noticing the jaw dropped teenager behind him.

"How've you been?" He asked, turning around and finally noticing the girl behind him.

"Oh hello" he smiled, he took his buzzing phone out from his pocket getting a notification.

"I've been quite good actually, I mean I've been better but I think I might like it here." I said, ignoring the gawking expression from Jade beside me.

"Well that's good, I'm so happy for you dear. That was work, I need to get back to the studio, oh and I told Drew that you were back and he said that him and the boys would like to take you out for lunch later. Give them a call" he said, kissing my forehead repeating my fathers actions and leaving the room. I wonder if the boys of Emblem 3 will still be the same guys they used to be, I hope they haven't changed. Their fame and skyrocketed since XFactor.

"Holy-wait. You're-You're. Oh my gosh" she quickly paced around the room, head in her hands.

"A-are you a fan of-"

"One Direction, yes. You, not so much!" She yelled in my face, my mouth grew dry and I gulped.

"This may be awkward, seeing as you're my roommate, but I actually really hate you" she slurred, pointing a finger in my face. I looked deeply into her eyes and saw nothing but hatred, and no regret.

Of course, fucking course I got roomed with a Niall girl. God damn can my life get any better.

"You know what, just stay on your side and don't talk to me alright. I can't stand whores like you" she whispered the last part. My fists clenched and I let out a shaky sigh, trying not to lose my temper.

"What do you guys have against me?!" I yelled, making my way closer to her. she rolled her eyes, "Oh look at you, little miss perfect. You gave us no hope on Niall, look at your fucking boobs of course Niall 'went out' with you" she put air quotes,

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME! NIALL AND I ACTUALLY HAD A REAL RELATIONSHIP, WE'RE IN LOVE ALRIGHT. BUT YOU STUPID 'FANS' DECIDED TO HATE ON US AND I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE BETTER IF I JUST LEFT." I yelled, she stood still for a moment her mouth wide. Once I thought she was actually going to be nice, she opened her damn mouth again.

"Well at least you and Niall are over, you're a bitch. We will never like you, do you get that?" she smirked, a pain fell through me as I took in her last words.

'We will never like you'

I couldn't take it, I ran out of the dorm and into the dark lit hallway, tears falling rapidly down my cheeks.

I picked up my cell and dialed the only number I could think of at the moment.

"Hey, sorry I forgot to call earlier. I had a ton of work today" she spoke, I sniffled and rubbed my puffy eyes. I heard her gasp and whispering something and I heard a door close.

"It's alright Kota, tell me what happened babe" she asked, I stayed quiet now whimpering at the tears falling steady from my blue eyes.

"So how's college. Is it weird being back?" Anna asked, god I love it, she changes the subject at the most perfect times.

"I-I'm still adjusting to everyone's accents but it's a real experience. Except that I have a fucking directioner that hates me and she's my roommate." I gritted through my teeth.

Anna and I have been keeping contact ever since I got in to the mental hospital here in California. They said I could have contact with one person from my 'past life' and I thought about it for a while, finally deciding on Anna. I mean, Niall never talks to her, where as May and Rose probably see him everyday. Sure, I called May and Rose all the time it's just I felt like I needed Anna's opinion on most of the situation. Like I said, she barley ever sees Niall let alone talks to him.

"Must be horrifying, most guys think UK accents are hot" she giggled, I smiled and shook my head sitting crisscross on the ruff carpeted hallway.

"Well tell me about this idiot of a lass" she said, I knew she wouldn't leave the subject untouched.

"She's terrifying, but gorgeous. She didn't recognize me at first but then Simon had to walk in and she flipped out." I heard her gasp on the other line.

"No! Why does this stuff follow you!" she spoke with a scared tone in her high pitched voice.

"I have no clue at all, well I have class tomorrow so I should get some rest." I said, she said a good bye and told me to call her tomorrow.

I got up from the scratchy carpet and whipped some of my old tears from my face. Glancing down the hall, I saw some girls with popcorn and sweatpants running down the stairs. I sighed, god I miss having movie nights with my girls.

What kills me is I haven't even met May's daughter in person yet, I didn't even get to hold her. And that's a big deal, I remember when we were little and we used to talk about how I would be in the delivery room when she gives birth, how I would be her maid of honor, now because of some stupid messed up relationship I live an ocean away..


Ok so




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