chapter 19

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"Please, I just really want to sort this out." he whispered, the hairs on my neck springing up as his voice echoed through the phone.

I shook my head, although he couldn't see my actions, they didn't matter much after I spoke differently to my gesture.

"Okay... fine." I said unsurely, I knew I wasn't ready for this. It's been like a week and I'm still uneasy about him, but I feel like I need to do this, not only for him, but me as well. I need to take ground in this whole situation and listen to his reasons.

"Alright, I'll see you at the cafe in an hour?" he asked, the hope dripping in his tone. I closed my eyes, rubbing my face as I thought over this unwise decision I was making.

"Sure, see you then." I said fast, hearing foot steps approach my door, making me panic and hang up the phone.

Niall walked through the door way, holding his phone to his face and scrolling his index finger down the screen.

"Who was that, babe?"


I'd be lying if I said I hadn't missed that one.

"Oh um," I thought for a moment. Do I tell Niall? Would he be happy about this? Or keep it from him, fearing what he might do if I go.

But then I remembered, the key to a great relationship is honesty, and I knew I should be going forward with the right decision after I had just made a weak one. If a person would lie about one thing, does it follow that he or she would lie about another? That depends. The demand for honesty is contextual. It depends on what the truth concerns.

Plus it always hurt me when I would lie to Niall, so I just never went through with lying to him anymore. Cheating and lying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up.

"It was, uh, Ashton."

His face fell, instantly all his features darkened and he looked like he would throw up.

So I continued before anything got to intense,

"He um, he wants to explain." I paused, scratching the back of my neck. "I told him I'd be willing to talk to him, so...we're meeting in an hour." I whispered the last part, even finding it hard for myself to believe.

I didn't dare look at Niall, I knew he must've been judging me for my decisions right about now.

Why did you do that Dakota? It's such a stupid idea!

"Oh, well uh," I looked up as Niall paused, running his hand through his hair, "I'm coming with you then."

My face fell, oh no. Niall can't go, he'd probably beat him up again, maybe even kill him this time.

"I want to apologize to him, for blowing up... and losing my temper." Niall semi chuckled at the end, me releasing a small smile as well.

"Niall, I don't know if that's the best idea..." his jaw clenched, the words I spoke effecting him on the spot. Oh dear.

"I'm not letting you go without me there..." Niall whispered, calming down as he moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my torso as I stood in front of the mirror.

There wasn't much of a choice, no doubt Niall wouldn't let me go alone. I knew for sure he would probably end up following me if I did persuade him not to go, but now I was being persuaded by him to let him join.

"Alright, fine." I sighed, "But no fights, no hurting anyone." I said, turning around and facing Niall, poking his chest with my pointer finger as the words left my mouth.

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