chapter 15

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"Dakota! Can you please get your shoes out of the living room!" Harry yelled from downstairs, I groaned and shut my laptop that laid on my thighs. I pushed it into the plush mattress I had been lazily laying on for basically the whole day, and made my way down the stairs to the loving room.

"When is Rose getting back?" I asked, picking up the pink vans that he was talking about. "She went to go get some...woman products. So uh, I tend to not rush her this time if the month, but probably 20 minutes" he sighed, running a hand through his brown curls. I chuckled and threw a pillow at him, "Ow, why did you do that?" he said, picking the pillow up from the hardwood floor and throwing it back. I shook my head, picking the pillow up and placing it on the couch next to me.

"Why didn't you go and get that stuff for her? If you want to be in her good side this week than that would've been a good idea" I said, he nodded, "But I did do that, she blew up in my face and said that I baby her too much!" he sighed, my phone buzzed in my back pocket and I began to walk away, shaking my head in the process.

"You do tend to baby her sometimes" I said, before closing the door behind me back into my room.

I pulled out my phone and saw it was a text, from Ashton.

Hey babe! Would you like to go see a movie tonight, I've been wanting to see 'Gravity' and it's showing at 8:00! (: xx

I looked over to my right, the alarm clock reading 7:15 pm . Quickly, I texted him back and said for him to pick me up now so we could get good seats.

But then I remembered, we were all supposed to go to Niall's house for dinner tonight. The decision was hard, Ashton might have told Niall that we were going out tonight? But then again he just asked me, maybe Ashton wasn't invited?

I decided on calling Niall and asking him, so I picked up my phone and clicked on his contact, the phone ringing only twice before being picked up.

"Hello? Dakota?" Niall's voice flooded through the speaker, I smiled at the sound of his voice.

"Hey, um are you still having that get together tonight?" I asked, playing with the ends of my hair. I have split ends, I need to get a trim sometime this week.

"Oh yeah, you're coming right? It's at 8, you can come earlier though if you'd like" he rushed out, instantly I felt bad. What am I supposed to do, go to Niall's, or the movie with Ashton? Well I already told Niall in the first place that I'd go to his house so the choice was in reach, but I felt for Ashton.

"Yeah okay, but I need a ride. I gotta call Ashton back and tell him I can't make it to the movies so-"

"I can come pick you up" Niall rushed out again, I blushed and giggled a bit. "That would be great, I'm ready now if you want to come" I replied, I heard him chuckle and I smiled, "Alright Kota, on my way" he ended the call leaving me speechless.


I bit my lip, the nickname putting me in a state of mind that brought me close to tears. But I held them back, my thoughts on how much our love was damaged, he's just a friend now, a great friend.

I texted Ashton letting him know I had plans, then let my mind drift to think about him.

Ashton is a good boyfriend,

ok we aren't official yet, but he's been sending weird signals hinting towards it so it seemed almost obvious he is going to ask soon.

But I couldn't help but think of Niall, was he jealous? He's never really been the type, unless we were in a relationship and someone took my face and practically ate it off, if you get what I mean.

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