chapter 23

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"Can I have the orange juice, Niall?" I asked, taking a seat next to Hunter, whom was wearing his school uniform. Although he was staying with Me and Niall, he still had to go to school. I knew Hunter didn't mind though, he enjoys school. He likes education, the thought of learning something amazed him.

"Thank you." I spoke, grabbing ahold of the juice from Niall's grasp. Our fingers touched in contact, sending butterflies through me, but I smiled and looked away.

I scanned the kitchen as I took a bite into my toast that Niall had prepared for us this early morning. To say I was tired was an understatement, I was deeply exhausted, maybe I was sleep walking for all I know.

My eyes widened once I caught sight at the time that read on the stove clock.

"We have to go, it's almost seven." I quickly jumped off the stool and grabbed Niall's keys from the counter next to the fridge.

"I'll be in the car!" Niall said aloud, taking the keys from my hand and running outside.

I went searching around the house, calling his name even, but Hunter was nowhere in sight.

"Hunter? Babe, you gotta get to school!" I said, making my way up stairs. I checked every room, finally landing into mine and Niall's, but still Hunter wasn't in here.

I made my way to the bathroom attached, as I entered the toilet filter went off making me jump.

Okay maybe I was a bit scared, I've lost my cousin in my own house. Sighing, I waltzed back into my room, not paying attention to where I was going. Soon enough, I looked up and my heart stopped.

God I already checked here, how did I miss it?

"Gosh Hunter you scared me," I said, he scrunched his eyebrows, only looking at the wall. I followed his trace, now noticing his stare was upon pictures of Niall and I at the beach, the London Eye, and Big Ben. Beneath them was one of my favorites, I was sitting on the deck at Simons house, while Niall was to my right, but he hadn't be staring at the camera, instead he was nuzzled into the side of my cheek, his lips brushing across my skin as I made a funny face to the camera.

"Do you guys have a kid?" he asked, quietly as usual. My eyes widened at the thought, "No, no we don't," I sighed, "we aren't even married."

Sure I always thought about Niall asking for my hand, but then again why would he? It still made me feel weird how Niall could have any girl in the world, but he chose me.

"Could I be the ring barrier?" he asked, not taking his eyes away from the pictures of Niall and I. I pondered at the thought of it, but remembered that we probably won't be getting married anytime soon.

"How are you sure we're getting married?" I asked, taking a seat in my bed and looking at the floor. Sure Niall and I love each other, but I'm not very good on commitment. I could- and I would- for Niall though, no doubt.

"I just know," He took his backpack from the floor and swung it around his shoulder, "he looks at you like mum used to look at dad."

After that he left the room, leaving me alone with my own thoughts. It's probably true, we looked at each other with love, because we're in love.



I watched slowly as Dakota made her way upstairs, soon reaching the top. She was probably on the phone with Anna or May, most likely Anna because she called so much today.

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