Chapter 3

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"GO GO GO- YESSSS!" I got up from my spot on the couch and did a little happy dance, Derby is always about keeping the score up!
"I'll admit, that was a nice cross" Louis groaned, grabbing a handful of chips.
"And I'll admit, your team sucks mate." I chuckled back, he scoffed.
"Oh no way, we're number 2" he retorted, defending the team like it was the love of his life.
"Oh and who's number 1? Right, Der-" I was interrupted by the doorbell being rung.
"We are not done with this conversation, Tomlinson." I said, he chuckled and I made my way to the front door. I looked through the peep hole and saw the familiar middle aged woman, who bought the old house.
"Hey Niall" she said, as I opened the door. Why is Barbra here anyways?
"Hi" I said flatly, wow Niall way to keep the conversation going.
"Well, you're probably wondering why I'm here," I nodded, "This was sent to my address this morning, but it says Niall Horan." She said, handing me a pink envelope with hearts and flowers. I didn't bother looking at it any further, just some fan mail like usual.
"Oh alright, thank you" I said, she smiled and waved leaving my door step. Once I closed the door, I went back in the living room to find Louis on his phone.
"Who was at the door?" He asked, locking his iPhone and un-pausing the live game.
"The lady who bought the old house, she got fan mail sent to her." I said, handing him the letter as a commercial came on.
He inspected the letter for awhile, bringing a confused look on my face.
"What you don't get fan mail anymore, mate?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich in front of me. His phone buzzed, making him come back to reality. He read the text and got up, "That was May, I have to go. But to answer your question, I do still get fan mail, yes but Niall just take a look at the handwriting. Call me later mate" he said, giving me a hug and leaving out the door.
Picking up the letter slowly, I took a look at the hand writing. Remembrance flooded through my body as I saw the messy cursive, and the open dots above the 'I's.
I hurriedly ripped the letter open, being carful not to rip the address it was sent from and found a fully written letter in front of me.
I took a shaky sigh and began by reading the first sentence.

"I'M REALLY SORRY FOR THE GIRLY ENVELOPE, IT WAS THE ONLY THING I HAD" I chuckled a bit, knowing she hates the color pink.
"Dear Niall,
Hi. It's been a while... Well I'm writing you because life is hard for me right now. Please don't try finding me, I just need someone to listen. It would probably be best if you knew how I was doing." I read softly, it kills me to read that sentence over and over again.
She doesn't want me in her life anymore I guess.
Right then and there I put the letter down on the coffee table, not wanting to burst into tears. I hate the feeling I get when I'm thinking about her, it's like a bag of bricks being smashed in my chest.
But I fought the pain, and continued reading, intrigued by what she may had written down next.
"Well, to start I just got out of the Mental Hospital. That place is like a living hell, and on top of that it smelled horrid. I'm so glad I'm finally home..well not 'home'
I don't think I'll be coming back 'home' anytime soon to be honest, I realized how much I missed my family and everyone here. Caleb is the perfect example, I drive him to school almost every morning. I realized I missed most of his childhood but I'm not saying I wouldn't take those 2 years with you back...
I haven't been playing soccer as much as I used to, seeing as I just got back but I'll probably start tomorrow.
This is kinda weird, writing everything in my life down on a piece of paper. It made me realize how boring I am now.
Well, you don't have to..but I would really appreciate it if you wrote me back.
Thank you for listening.

I quickly got up and grabbed my cell phone, the wet tears pouring down my face. Taking deep breaths I dialed Zayn's number, and placed the phone to my ear.
"Hellooooo?" He spoke cheerfully into the phone, I took a shaky sigh and tried to speak but no words came out.
"Niall, mate?" He said in a more serious tone, I sniffed and wiped a tear with my sleeve. I heard him whisper something to someone next to him, "It's Niall, I think he's crying. Lets go" I took another breath and the tears poured down harder than ever making me whimper.
"Dude Haz and I will be over in a bit" he said, I heard a door being closed in the back.
"Thank you" I whispered, "Of course, mate" he replied.


"What do you think happened?" I asked, turning onto Niall's street. "I have no idea, I just heard him crying. The lad wouldn't respond to me, only said a 'thank you' when I told him we were coming" Zayn sighed, running his hand through his hair. I began to worry, what could've possibly happened? Maybe a loved one died? His mum? Dad? Brother? Who knows.
I pulled into his drive way and we hurriedly made out way to the door, not bothering to knock. I walked through the kitchen and saw him hunched over at the dining room table.
"Ni, what's wrong?" I asked, placing a hand in his shoulder. "She-she doesn't get it." He whispered, I looked down at his hands and saw a tear stained letter with Dakota's name addresses at the bottom.
"Do you mind if I read it?" I asked, he sniffed and handed the letter to me.
I read the whole letter and by the end I was shocked, I can understand why the lad was crying. "Here Zayn" I said, handing him the letter and he began to read it.
"If she doesn't want me to find her, why would she write me in the first place. You don't know how much this is hurt-ing me." He turned around at looked at me, "I keep trying to forget but it's just impossible, this letter isn't helping anything either. What do I do, Haz?" He asked, crying into my shoulder. I put an arm around his shoulder and rubbed his back with my right hand.
"If I were you, I would write her back. She's willing to talk to you, but just doesn't want to take it too far. By the way she worded it, it seems like she isn't ready to see you but she's ready to explain herself." I said, he sniffed and nodded sitting up straight in his chair.
"What do I say to her?" He asked, Zayn got up.
"I'm gonna call Louis and Liam" he said, taking his phone out. Niall nodded and slumped over in his chair once again.
"Just tell her what your heart is telling you, it'll come out soon enough. Hopefully you'll continue writing each other back and making a friendly relationship like you used to hav-"
"We never broke up" he croaked, cutting me off. Absolutely every time he talks about Dakota, he always comes back to this topic. I sighed and made him sit up, "Mate, she still loves you" I said. He wiped a tear from his cheek, "how do you know?" He spoke quietly.
"Well for one, if you love someone as much as you two did, it's hard to rid of the feeling. She may have learned not to think about it, but I know for a fact she's still in love with you. She even contacted you Ni, she probably thinks the same thing as you every day." I replied, giving a half smile to lighten the mood a little. He smiled a little back, knowing he has some hope and a little light at the end of the tunnel. Niall yawned and got up, walking over to the couch and basically collapsed down on the cushions.

Gosh we need to get Dakota back.


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