chapter 11

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"What am I going to do?" I asked May. At the moment, we were lying down on her bed, her laptop open and looking at random things on twitter. We were also in the discussion of the events that happened yesterday.

"Look, I know you and Niall have a strong guys were in love," she paused, chuckling a bit, "madly in love at that note. So, I'm not saying you should take my advice, but you did ask for it." She bit her lip, I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"It does seem like the right thing to do, but you know I can't just...jump into things too fast." I sighed, we'd been talking about this for little over an hour and she even got me to admit to her that I do still love him.

Of course I do love him, but I was unsure of it. Now that I said it out loud and open, it comes naturally like the words are meant to be there.

"Luna won't be too happy if she comes to visit and you don't have a boyfriend, so that's also a thing to recommend." I nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

"So what do I tell him?" I asked, this would be extremely hard. I felt like I sort of scared him off yesterday with my whole tantrum of crying and screaming.

"You should call him." she said bluntly, my eyes grew wide. "You're crazy May!" I said, she took out her phone from her pocket. "Sometimes love is a crazy thing, you have to do anything for the person you love, and you giving him a simple call won't hurt."

Gosh why is she so passionate.

"Ugh fine, but what do I say?" I took the phone in my hands and dialed the number I knew by heart. Call me crazy, but it was an easy number to remember.

"Just tell him you're ready to see him, or ask to go for coffee? I don't know, the way I started my relationship was just helping a boy with a break up" she chuckled, I smiled shaking my head. I remember the day Louis and May met, it was right after his relationship ended and he was broken, but luckily May was there to help him.

Now they have a daughter, who would've thought.

I clicked call and brought the phone up to my ear, praying for him not to answer the call.

It rang for awhile, before it stopped and I heard his voice flow through the speaker.

"Hello," he spoke, his Irish accent prominent to the tone in his deep voice, "Sorry I can't take your call right no-" I smirked at May and ended the call.

"Oh too bad, he's busy. I have to go, we can call him tomorr-"

"Not so fast," she interrupted me,"Call back and leave a message" she shot me a death stare, giving me a 'if you don't do this I will shove the phone up your ass' look. I groaned and took the phone in my hands again, if he was that busy he won't pick up this time so I really don't know why I'm getting so worked up over this.

I clicked the redial button and the phone began to ring, but it cut short causing my eyes to grow in panic.

"Hello, May?" He spoke, May smiled and me knowing that he indeed answered the call this time around.

"Um" I didn't know what to say, I didn't think he would actually pick up the phone.

"D-Dakota?" he asked, I could hear the desperate part of him come out in the sound of my name.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked, confused. I was proud of myself for not stuttering on that one though.

"The way you say 'um' in your accent" I could tell he was blushing, he sounded so uncomfortable. Why did I ask that!

"Well, I j-just wanted to um let you know that," I paused, taking a deep breath and going over my decision one last time, "I'm ready to see you" the sentence came out easier than I indented it to.

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