chapter 10

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My eyelids couldn't stay open, but I knew I had to get up. I won't let jet-lag win like last time. Due to that, I know the result would be my sleeping schedule all over the place.

So, I lazily got up, adjusting my now messy bun. I hissed as the cold hardwood touched my bare feet, why doesn't Rose have carpet in here? I reached for the door handle and turned the knob, opening it up. The bright light from the hall blinded me, I squinted my eyes and made my way into the kitchen.

"Good Morning" Harry spoke cheerfully, well someone's awake. I groaned and sat down on the stool at the breakfast bar, rubbing my eyelids.

"Oh the old jet-lag I see" He chuckled, opening a cabinet and taking out a glass. I shook my head, "It's dreadful, can't believe you have to live with this yearly" my motioning voice sounded, the Scottish accent thicker than usual. He smiled and poured a glass of orange juice in the cup he got from the cupboard, and placed it in front of me.

"Where's Rose?" I asked, taking a sip from the glass. He smiled, "She's at her first dance class today" he said, "Oh I can't wait to hear about that!" I replied.

Recently, Rose started a dance studio for younger kids. She's always been the one to dance, so this is so good for her. But I wonder how she's going to deal with the kids, I hope all goes well.

"Me too, Louis and May said Samantha is going to join once she's of age-"

he was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, his face looked confused.

"That's weird, didn't invite anyone over" he said, getting up and making his way to the front door. I sighed and rubbed my eyes once again, the tiredness still being tamed.

As Harry opened the door, his head shot over to me and his eyes went wide. I glanced at him confusingly, about to speak but he beat me to it.

"N-Niall what brings you h-ere" Harry stuttered out.

My stomach dropped, it felt as if I just swallowed a brick. I got up from the stool and panicked, not knowing what to do.

"Hey! I think I left my guitar here."

Oh my god.

His voice has gotten deeper. My eyes were almost beginning to water as I heard the voice I mostly dreamt of, if not I saw it in interviews, and missed so much.

Harry's wide eyes brought me back to reality, I have to hide!

I grabbed the blanket from the couch and covered my head and shoulders, running into the bathroom, and slammed the door behind me.

"Is someone else here? I thought Rose was having her class today?" His voice grew louder as he went into the living room.

"Oh, um we uh, we got a cleaning lady" harry replied back, clearly not being comfortable with this whole situation. Lying to your best friend is the worst feeling in the world, but Harry sucks at it anyways. I see Niall is still the same gullible one he's always been.

"Oh cool, maybe I should g-"

he stopped mid sentence. I furrowed my eyebrows and inched closer to the bathroom door, lightly placing my ear on the white wood.

"You alright mate?" Harry asked, all I could really do right now is listen. Man I wish I could see.

"Nothing- It's just, um. Who's sweater is that?" I could hear the hurt in his voice and I mentally slapped myself for forgetting that I put it there the other night.

"Oh um, that's my- my mum's" Harry lied, but it was a terrible one.

I decided that I could open the door slightly, maybe I could see part of this situation.

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